
Monday, August 27, 2012

Design Wall Monday 8-27-2012

I didn't do a lot that I can show you last week.  But I did start and finish the quilting on Jenny's string quilt for Natalie.       

Here's a close up of the quilting.  It is my version of Swirls by Dawn Ramirez. It is in her DVD and book PajamaQuilter Reloaded.  

Now for the goals;
Week of August 20
Continue piecing Scrap Squad #4
Continue sewing together Christmas Redwork
Quilt FCQ Charity Quilt
Quilt Jenny’s String Quilt
Not bad... I worked on everything I planned to.  The two quilts were completely quilted and one was returned to Jenny. 
Week of August 27
Finish Paper Piecing and start on the next section of Scrap Squad #4
Finish sewing the Christmas redwork top together
Start and finish quilting one of my quilts…
Knit on Sophia’s sweater
Clean hardwood floors*

Not that much new on the list.  The * is because I don't really want to do the hardwood floors but they definitely need to be done! 

I leave you with a picture from Sophia's birthday party.  She got that really cool chair from Uncle Kevin and Aunt Aimee. 

Have you visited at Patchwork Times yet?  You'll be able to visit web sites around the US and possibly the world by starting there. 

Happy Quilting! 


  1. Oh my goodness, when did baby Sophie turn into a toddler?

    I did my hardwood floors over the weekend. I'm glad to have that job behind me. ;oD

  2. Oooh! I love your quilting on the string quilt! I wish I could get brave enough to just sit down and do some fun machine quilting! Sophia is quite the little darling! :)

  3. You and Ruthie have certainly had a meeting of the minds, Bonnie. Your quilting looks great, Bonnie. And as Nancy and Denise said before me, Sophia certainly is growing up quickly and is so very adorable!

  4. What a fun string quilt. The green dots in the middle and the sashing really ties it all together.

  5. Great job on the quilting! I need to get a working version of swirls! :)


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