
Monday, September 17, 2012

Design Wall Monday 9-17-2012

Here's what's on my design wall that I can actually show you -- 

These are for Joan of the FCQ Equilters.  She sent us preprinted pineapple foundations.  I'm using them as leader/enders.  It's been fun to visit scraps and be reminded of other quilts I've made.  And, it's great to move out some scraps.  I've been using some 2" strips because I don't normally save 1 3/4" strips that are called for.  And, if any strips needed using, it would be the overflowing 2" drawer of strips.  But, honestly, it really isn't making that big of a dent. Hopefully every fabric is different in each block, although the same fabric can be repeated in other blocks.  I'm trying not to repeat any but I doubt I'll be 100% successful on that.  Take a look at other design walls by visiting Patchwork Times. 

The next pictures I'm sharing come from my daughter, Jenny.  She is a great sewist (if you use the modern word) and will try all sorts of new and interesting things to make.  She made this darling backpack for Sophia's 2nd birthday.  

Here's the front of it.  The only thing I can  claim to have helped her on is providing a pattern for the dog's head.  

Imagine me playing Vanna now. 

Notice the piping.  The dog's body is also a pocket.  

Here's the side.  Cool pull tab to hold while zipping and unzipping. 

Notice the water bottle holder.  
And now the back.  The straps are adjustable.  And, of course, the top strap in case you want to hang the backpack up. 

And the final picture shows the darling fabric inside.  It's water proof... I'm not sure if it is vinyl or oil cloth.  

Ok, end of the Vanna routine.  And, you too can make your special toddler a backpack just like this one.  Jenny got the pattern from the Moda Bake Shop blog.  Check it out.  
Here's the goal report: 
Week of Sept 10
Quilt and bind Snowmen and Santa quilt
Get back to work on Scrap Squad #4
Take a class on my new iPad
Mail blocks to Fran and Ashley
Decide which UFO to work on & work on it! Nope, didn’t happen
Week of Sept 17
Bind Snowmen and Santa quilt
Put Scrap Squad #4 together
Pull fabric for Scrap Squad #5
Make a sample block for #5
Put the new memory in the laptop 
I got a lot done this week considering I was out and about 2 full days.  This week "Santa and Snowmen in the Pines" will be done and turned over to the auction committee at church.  Hopefully SS #4 will be on the frame to be quilted and work will be started on #5.  Have a great sewy week! 

Happy quilting all! 


  1. WOW! She did a fabulous job with that backpack!! I'm very impressed! I'm also impressed with your pineapple blocks -- they look great! Are they hard to make? Have a great week! :)

  2. Your daughter did a great job sewing the backpack. I really need to try the leader and ender thing

  3. The backpack is darling - so many cute details.

    I love the pineapple blocks, too.

  4. Oo la la. Love those pineapples! :-)

  5. Great pineapple! I never would have thought to use them as leaders and enders. Jenny sure is talented. I'll bet I can guess where she got it from!

  6. Love the pineapples, and yes strings do seem to multiply somehow don't they? Ok that little bag is just wayyyyy tooo cute!!! Your daughter did a great job on that one.

  7. Darling backpack! She did a fabulous job on it. And scraps for pineapples - why didn't I think of that - great idea.

  8. WOW!! She did a wonderful job!! I love the whole thing!!!

  9. Mom's talents passed on to daughter....just sayin...

  10. I really like the idea of your scrappy pineapple blocks. And I, too, have those strips waiting for me to move them on. I have had trouble with the leader/ender thing but maybe those kind of blocks would make it work for me. Hummmmm

  11. Backpack is amazing! Apple didn't fall far from the tree os some such


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