
Monday, November 19, 2012

Design Wall Monday 11-19-12

It's Monday again and I've gotten so much done this week.  Unfortunately, I can't show most of it.  Bummer. 

These blocks were sent to Alycia for her Quilts of Valor block challenge.  I was so happy to make these and use about a yard and half of my fabric.  (The more fabric that goes out the door, the more I can bring in new fabric.) You can find the pattern at Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville

Since a lot of what I am working on has to wait for reveals later this year, I was searching for things to share with you.  So, here it is, one lonely leaf hanging out on the front porch. 

And here is where all its friends are for now.  We have this beautiful Japanese maple in the front yard.  And it has been singing to me recently. And it has been dropping its leaves like crazy.  In our newly redone laundry room we have one small, octagonal shaped window.  And, all I've been able to see out it recently is this beautiful red tree.  It almost makes me happy to do laundry. Nah, I still hate laundry. 

One dog is home without her buddy.  Raggs is getting a Thanksgiving grooming.  Kona's waiting for him to come play with her. 
And finally goals from last week. 
Week of November 12
Load and quilt Jenny’s quilt
Load and quilt SS #5
Bind SS #5 nearing completion
Draw SS #6 in EQ
Finish and mail blocks for Alycia’s block drive
Work on Natalie’s Christmas present
Mail Sophia’s sweater decided to just bring it with us for Thanksgiving…
And, this week . . . 
Week of November 19
Work on SS #6
Work on Natalie’s Christmas present
Clean off cutting table
Load 16 patch scrap quilt on Ruthie
Enjoy Thanksgiving with the family
Take some time to visit Design Walls across the internet through Patchwork Times. 
Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Your QOV blocks are wonderful.

    I am envious of your colorful tree - no color left here. All the trees here are bare, and it will be pretty drab for at least six months.

  2. You commented on my blog that you had trouble making this block, but it looks to me like you did a great job. Your blocks are beautiful!

  3. Love the scrappy red, white and blues!! Good job on last week's goals!! :)

  4. So many beautiful shades if red -- in the quilt AND the tree, glad you are getting lots done. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  5. Great trip blocks for QOV. Cute dog.

  6. I had totally missed the challenge at Alycia's blog! The tree is very pretty---perhaps you need to see it from a very comfortable recliner. yeah--where you can play with some fabric. That would make it a GREAT tree!

  7. Hi your BOM quilt is lovely. My granddaughters name starts with T and her sisters call her TT I saw you have a block that is all t's
    How do I find where you have directions for that block on your site?
    Thank you
    colleen1990 @ yahoo (dot) com

  8. Love the QOV blocks, very bright and colorful.


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