
Monday, December 31, 2012

Design Wall Monday 12-31-12

Here we are at the last design wall of the year.  I'm still working on the secret quilt -- Scrap Squad #6.  And, as I type it is up on Ruthie waiting for me to quilt border #2.   I will turn the quilt and quilt borders #3 and 4.  Then I will trim the quilt and make the binding and apply one side of the binding by machine. Tonight I should be able to get the binding done.  It has been a great experience making these quilts for Quiltmaker.  I've got many quilts I really like from the experience. (Hey, and I love my #6!)  

That said, I am looking forward to pulling out some UFO's to finish next year, finishing Bonnie Hunter's Easy Street that I started in November and making some clothes for Sophia.  

Here's what I pinned up on my design wall after I finished it so I could share something with you. 
This is Four Corners Children's Apron.  I made it reversible.  And, I embroidered Sophia's name with a cupcake on the reverse side.  

 She wore it a lot while she was visiting us.  Of course, the side with her name and the cupcake was always showing.
And, here she is modeling her apron on the day we opened our presents.  She is so much fun to be around.  She will even pose with a smile for me.  I'll share new pictures of Natalie and Sophia in the next few weeks. 

Yesterday I was able to spend a little time in the studio with Jenny.  I showed her how to do paper piecing as she has a project in mind. But that has been it for the week as I'm working on the long arm which is in another room. 

Week of Dec. 24
Quilt SS #6 (It's already on Ruthie, yeah!)
Work on Natalie's Christmas present √ didn't get finished but I showed it to them
Make one of Sophia's presents
Do the Christmas festivities with the kids and grands
Work on Easy Street Not one stitch taken on Easy Street I'm behind! 

Week of Dec. 31
Finish SS #6 and do the write up
Work on Easy Street
Do some major cleaning in the studio
Reflect on what I want to work on over the next month or two
Relax and read a book or two

Hope you have a safe, happy New Year Eve and a great 2013! 

Don't forget to visit Design Walls across the internet by visiting Judy's Patchwork Times.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I always love to see the pictures you post of Sophia. She's absolutely darling. I still think she looks like you, Bonnie.

  2. Love the apron, love the model!!! I appreciate your comments about the Scrap Squad being a positive experience, I'm doing it this year. Hope I feel the same.

  3. Little Sophie is cute as ever! Love her apron. Happy New Year!

  4. Happy new year, Bonnie. She is adorable and the apron is great.

  5. I love the adult Four Corners apron pattern, but the child version is darn cute on Sophia! Of course, almost anything would be cute on Sophia - she is a doll.

  6. Sophia and her apron are really special. Best wishes for the new year Bonnie.


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