
Monday, December 3, 2012

Design Wall Monday

Another Design Wall and I'm really happy with what I've gotten done over the week.

First up, Easy Street.  I finished my four patches.

 I've started my flying geese. Unfortunately Easy Street is really my leaders/enders project so it took me the whole week to finish the 4 patches. I'm hoping I can get the flying geese done this week so I don't get too far behind. I need to "refine" my geese units as they aren't coming out the right size.  So, I viewed Bonnie's video and will make a few adjustments.  I'll probably make 20 extra so that I can get enough of the exact right size. 

Another project I'm doing a little at a time is this pinwheel. Last night I realized I could arrange the blocks I streak of lightening design. Hum, can't decide if I like it. What do you think?  Should I spread around the colors?  I have several more blocks in the works so I may actually get two quilts from these blocks. BTW, I took these pictures at night so the colors are off. 

I'm still making units for Scrap Squad #6. I'm really hoping I get all the units done early this week so I can start putting it together.

And the Goals report:
Work on SS#6
Keep up with Easy Street
Work on Natalie's Christmas present
Sing Lessons and Carols on Sunday√ wow, it was lovely. 
Finish Fcq Equilter blocks and get in the mail Did more but have a few more to finish
Clean off cutting table Am I nuts?  I don't have time to do this now.  I've shoved the offending stuff back and I have a good size area to cut in.  It will do for the time being! 

Week of December 3
Get SS #6 into top form
Keep up with Easy Street
Finish Fcq Equilter blocks and get in the mail
Work on Natalie's Christmas present

That's it this week.

Don't forget to visit Patchwork Times to visit design walls across the Internet. And you can also visit Quiltville Quips and Snips to see how far people are on Easy Street.

Happy quilting all!


  1. I like the streak layout! What pattern or book is this one from...looks like a great kid quilt.

  2. Love your pinwheel quilt. I like your idea of having a list of goals. I should probably start out this week with a list, too.

  3. The streak layout packs a visual punch. If you're L&E'ing for Easy Street, you must be doing a lot of other piecing -- or you are resigned to stretching out the project.

  4. Love the pinwheels! Your geese are looking good too! I am not using any of these pieces as leaders/enders and I'm STILL behind...LOL. Glad it's not a race!

  5. Wow, you got loads done this week. Flying geese are looking good and the pinwheels are great.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.