
Monday, January 28, 2013

Design Wall Monday 1-28-2013

It's been a non-quilty week.  Not much new but here's what've been working on. 

This is a small hexagon quilt from Civil War Sewing Circle by Kathleen Tracy.  I'm a member of her Small Quilt Talk group on Yahoo Groups. Last year she challenged us to do a small quilt every month.  I think I got one quilt finished the whole year.  Sigh.  She's going to continue this year so I hope to get more quilts done although I doubt I will get 12 done! 
I'm still working on the string blocks.  Here are several lined up ready to be sewn. I started with some old baby fabric that I wouldn't be using as a foundation and then I checked what I had in my solids and found a really thin pale pink that was a perfect foundation. 
Do you track your use of thread during any year?  I have for several years and this year was the best year for using thread.  See that big white cone or maybe it was the big blue cone.  Anyway, one of them was grey thread -- 5000 yards of it.  It was my main piecing thread. It took me a year and a half to go through all of that thread.  Once that was gone I really started using up older spools of thread.  The other cone was from long arm thread.  It's interesting to me to see some of the different spools.  One is a styraphone most are just basic plastic.  The four prewound bobbins I used for embroidery.  22 spools used.  Unfortunately I still have tons of poly cotton that I'm using sporadically.  I've bought smaller spools for my basic piecing and I am using some that I already own.  I'll see how I do in Jan 2014. 

Didn't do particularly well on my goals last week. 
Week of January 21, 2013

Finish string blocks still need to make some
Start clue 6 of Easy Street haven’t finished previous clue
Clean house
Organize food for Sat night party
Play with Sophia and Natalie√What can I say, I'm ahead of the week! 
Drive home safely

Week of Jan. 27, 2013
Bind small hexie quilt and quilt borders
Finish string blocks
Make Coffee cup blocks
Make BOM for FCQ
Heart blocks 2 or 3
Quilt pinwheel quilt
Start Dresden variation quilt
Lesson 4 in EQ7
Keep appliqueing orange peel blocks 

This week is a long list but it is very specific as there are several blocks I need to get finished and in the mail this week. 
And, here's a picture of Natalie I took last week.  She loves this jumpy seat so much that Jen and Brian now have two of them, each slightly different.  She is a very calm, happy baby. 

Don't forget to visit Patchwork Times to be able to visit design walls across the internet.

Happy Quilting. 


  1. hold off on those coffee cup blocks - I don't want to be the only one behind!! :)
    I LOVE the small quilt. You are just too much of a perfectionist to do more... ;)

  2. I love your hexagon quilt. With the year we had I'm surprised you got that done. Here's too more mini quilts this year. Natalie is adorable. Hugs

  3. Your hexagon quilt is adorable. Great job on using up your thread. I'm working on that too, and also using all the partially used bobbins, too. Good thing anything goes on scrappy quilts! :o)


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