
Monday, January 7, 2013

Design Wall Monday 1-7-13

I've taken it easy this past week.  The studio is beginning to be cleaned.  My big activity was getting Scrap Squad #6 done.  Well, a few threads still need to be tied off but otherwise it is done.  I also put borders on this pinwheel quilt.  

I've started another clue on Easy Street by Bonnie Hunter.  Go to Quiltville Quips and Snips to see lots of different Easy Street quilts and pieces.  So far, Bonnie hasn't posted her linky party.  I'll keep checking back during the day and update this asap. 

Weekly Goals: 

Week of Dec. 31
Finish SS #6 and do the write up√ quilt done but not the write up & pictures
Work on Easy Street
Do some major cleaning in the studio√ started, more to do still
Reflect on what I want to work on over the next month or two hum.... I've planned a brown bag quilt for the guild and finishing an old mystery UFO, and to start an Orange Peel small quilt√
Relax and read a book or two

Week of Jan. 7, 2013

Work on Easy Street
Work on hexagon small quilt and orange peel quilt

Continue to clean up studio
Load and quilt pinwheel quilt on Ruthie
Watch more of Season 1 and 2 of Downton Abbey

Photograph and write up SS #6
Do Lessons 1 & 2 on EQ 7 Anyone want to work through this with me? 

Friday after Christmas we all went to the Richmond Children's Science Museum.  What a great time we all had.  Sophia and Jenny rode the carousel.  
Check out Triangle Thursdays for some great blocks to use up those triangles you save from making snow ball blocks and combining strips for binding.   

You can also cruise the internet by going to Patchwork Times to see what other quilters have on their design walls.  I really like the simplicity of the quilt posted by Judy ... go back a day to see the finished quilt.  What a great QOV that one is.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. That is an adorable photography of Sophia and Jenny! I'm glad to know you are still stitching on Easy Street. I'm on step 6. Yesterday I took the day off from cutting and piecing though as I couldn't get motivated. Instead I did some machine embroidery....back to Easy Street today. I do want to finish it, but now I'm thinking this was not a good thing to do during the holidays. I'm starting the new year behind on everything---machine quilting and everything in the sewing room is in a state of unfinished. (sigh)

  2. I'm still strolling down Easy Street, too. I like your weekly goals. I might need to do something like that for myself. I have monthly goals that I usually forget about until the last week of the month!

  3. The pinwheel quilt sure is cute.

    I blinked and Sophia become a toddler! Where does time go?

  4. The pinwheel quilt is stunning.

  5. great pic of the cute kiddos! Love that first quilt - so bright!!

  6. Love the pinwheel quilt! But will ya just look at that lil Sophie!! She just keeps getting cuter and cuter, what a great smiles they both have!!

  7. I am a huge fan of that pinwheel quilt... I gotta make one. Love job. I have never tried a mystery and this one is a very pretty one.

  8. Keep plugging away at Easy Street - it's totally worth it in the end, even though there is a LOT of sewing in that final step. It was lots of fun working on it with quilters from all over the world.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.