
Monday, March 4, 2013

Design Wall Monday 3-4-13

I've been working on Mystery for Relay #28 making the units for the block and trying to decide which fabric I'm using for the center square.  But some of the side things I'm working on include:

Blocks for Alycia's Block Challenge for QOV.  Here's the first one I've gotten done. I need to get some more finished quickly and get them in the mail if I want to be eligible for the prize!  And, even if they don't get done in time I am always happy to send blocks and quilts out to Alycia for QOV. 

Here's my newest pinwheel project.  I am prepping packages for the Quilt Bees to make this block in reds, blues and whites for a quilt for Alycia's QOV. 

Here's last month's Quilt Bee block.  Another fun Scrappy Trip Around the World.  I have enough fabric to make one more.

Here's what I got done from my list last week.
Week of Feb 25, 2013
Focus on Mystery For Relay quilt
Sew more Orange Peel blocks
Trim some scrap fabric into strings & squares oops
Make appt. for Ragg’s vet check
Load beige backing on Ruthie oops again…. I really don’t want to iron the 108” x 72” piece of fabric

Week of Mar 4, 2013
Continue to focus on Mystery for Relay
Prep and sew more Orange Peel blocks
Iron backing so I can load it on Ruthie
Mail out fabric & directions to Quilt Bee members
Finish QOV Blocks and mail to Alycia
Put binding on FCQ charity quilt
Pick one area of the studio to straighten/clean

That's more than enough for a week.  Catch other design walls by visiting Patchwork Times. 

Happy Quilting! 


  1. Lovely blocks and I particularly like your pinwheel project. I've just been asked to do 4 Scrappy Around the World blocks by my March Queen Bee - that's my task for later today :)

  2. I like your blocks, too, as well as your list of goals. I need to focus on the last goal because my sewing room is a MESS!

  3. Love the QOV things - you know it's close to my heart. But about ironing backing - Someone on the Nolting list described this several years ago and I've never ironed anything on a backing since, unless it is pieced, then I press the seams.

    Tear the ends of the backing across so you know you have the cross grain line straight. Wash and dry the backing. Load the ends - sides - on your red snappers, letting the backing hang down in a big U. Get out your spray mister bottle of water. Mist the fabric, and as you roll it up on the backing roller, smooth it with your hands. Sometimes, I have to respray any tough spots. This is also the way I stretch out fabric that is really skewed. The dampness releases the fibers, and the stretch on the machine straightens them. Sometimes you might have to roll it from the back to the front and back again, but it is so much easier than trying to iron all that. You are on your own with pieced backings, but I have done them the same way, with a bit of spray. One time I goofed and used Best Press, and the backing was nice and crisp. Too expensive to do all the time, but it was a nice touch. I hope this helps.

  4. The pinwheels are sweet. You certainly have quite a list for this week!

  5. Wow! You have an ambitious list of goals for one week! I have got to start making some scrappy trips, they are so much fun and I have enough scraps to make a few!

  6. Love the courthouse step block! Log cabins and their variations are some of my favs!

  7. Oh boy that pinwheel block is really something. I LOVE that one.


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