
Monday, June 3, 2013

Design Wall Monday 6-3-13

Here it is Monday again.  I've been sewing away on different stuff but what I want to show you is my finish of a new little project.  I got the embroidery module out and did this cute quilt saying.  Then I made it into a cover for Bubbles.  This was really easy to make with great directions.  Check out Purls and Pleats blog for the well written tutorial.  Here's what I learned making this one.  Don't use curtain lining -- it has wonderful drape but fabric should have more body for this cover.  I should have moved the design up a little farther on the front piece.  And, I was just a bit generous on the measurements.  This one could be a bit smaller and still work well.  But honestly, not a big deal.  I foresee a few more of these in the near future.  

I've got several other things in the works but I won't be sharing them until later. Darn, I hate having to keep secrets!  But I shall. 

Hey, I'm happy to report I did pretty well on my goals this week. 

Week of May 27, 2013

Finish small quilt top for swap
Mail swap quilt
Finish sewing down green binding
Make 1 triangle thread holder
Make June Brown Bag blocks
Wash new fabrics
Go to Penzy’s to pick up spices
Make and mail hearts to Quiltville Hearts group started

And, this coming week is going to be FUN!  

Week of June 3
Finish thread holders
Finish heart and mail
Make brown bag block and get to Colleen
Organize and pack projects for retreat
Travel safely
Have lots of fun at retreat & get some sewing done
Get Trip Around the World to a top
Get Bumble Bee to a top
Figure out 4 sq blocks and into a top 
Visit the grands!

I could add more details but I think that list suffices for this week.  I'm looking forward to having a ton of fun, getting some older projects to tops and visiting with my Maryland guild friends.  

Get on over to Judy's Patchwork Times to launch yourself all over the net to see Design Wall Mondays. 

Happy Quilting All 


  1. Oh, going on a retreat sounds like so much fun. And getting so many things done sounds like fun, too. Have a great time!

  2. I love the color you've made. Great design and stitching out!!

  3. I should make a cover for my machine. Thanks for the link.

  4. What a fun embroidery pattern!


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