
Monday, June 17, 2013

Design Wall Monday 6-17-13

Here's what was going on at retreat last weekend. 
My UFO Trip Around the World.  It started the weekend as 4 quadrants with different amount of rows.  I got the rows evened up, added additional rows to make it a rectangle and sewed it altogether.  I was checking the border at this point.  I decided to wait to add the border until I got home to make sure I had enough border to cover the mattress. This has been in the works for over 6 years.  

Nancy was making this cool top.  I loved how the colors worked togeher.  She got to the borders but I didn't get a picture of it. 

Kathleen was putting these units together.  I love all the polka dots.  She must have been collecting these for years! 

Sharon taught the group how to make the pinwheel block.  Everyone did great except for  Paula who was creative in her joining of the block.  But Sharon made a couple to match and used the different style block as a design unit.  I think I'd like to make a baby quilt with the alternate design and see what it looks like. 

Another cool top.  This might be Paula's but I'm only guessing based on the green shirt on the gal on the right.  

That's it for today about the retreat -- more later this week. 

I did pretty well on goals from two weeks ago .  Didn't have any from last week except to start cleaning off the cutting table. I did get a good start on that but the front side is already covered up with a new little project. 

Week of June 3
Finish thread holder
Finish heart and mail One is done but I want to make a few more
Cut extra fabrics for mytery quilt Didn’t happen!
Iron light blue fabric and batik
Organize and pack projects for retreat
Have lots of fun at retreat & get some sewing done
Visit the grands!

Week of June 17, 2013
Finish one or two little flag quilts
Make 2 more heart blocks
Finish flannel charity quilt
Make brown bag block
Begin working on a quilt from the 1800’s blocks
Pack up a box of books
Applique more orange peels

Take a look at design walls across the Internet by visiting Patchwork Times. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I guess you could call your TATW "a slow boat to China" if it's taken you six years. Congratulations on your courage in unearthing it (to mix a metaphor) and getting it that much closer to completion.

  2. Love all of the retreat quilts, especially Nancy's pink, grey, white and black one.

  3. Fantastic quilts ~ Looks like it was a fun and productive retreat!

  4. Love the Trip around the world top, and all of those polka dots.. Looks like you had a great retreat.

  5. Very pretty trip around the world. Good luck on getting it all finished up. Looks like a fun and productive retreat.


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