
Monday, July 22, 2013

Design Wall Monday 7-22-13

I finished the borders on the 1800 Quilt.  Ok, I know it isn't either of the options I showed a couple of weeks ago. Check it out here.  I sent photos of it to daughter Jenny and friend Sharon for comments.  Jen was all for the orange -- she likes brights.  I liked it too.  But Sharon's comment was it looks really Halloweeny.  Yikes, she was right all that black and orange, even if it was a subdued orange.  I went back to the box of left over fabrics and had so little of anything left.  What I did have was a pretty big hunk of the background fabric.  It worked.   I trimmed back the black so only 1" was showing and then only used a 2" (or was it 2 1/2" border?)  Hum, this is a completely square top so why does it look rectangular?

Here's the big question.  I would like to put some intricate stitching in the corners of the center tree of life block.  Can I mix hand quilting with machine quilting? I was thinking of SID between blocks and around the outside of the center area.  To me that would be so much easier to do by machine.  Then do the hand stitching in the blocks as needed and around the tree of life.  Of course, the first stencil I bought won't fit.  I was thinking feathers or some sort.  I guess I will be doing an online search today.  Plus I'm still looking for thread for this.  

And, I made one more of these blocks for Pam. The bottom one is the new one. And that is about all the stitching done this week. Don't forget to visit Patchwork Times to tour Design Walls around the internet. 
How about goals? 
Week of July 15, 2013

Paint all doors in studio
Work on Orange Peels√ I did 3 or 4 this week
Decide on borders for 1800 quilt
Make charity blocks√ this is code, but I at least cut one out
Embroider some kids shirts Need to get going on this one soon! 

Not bad. 

Week of July 22, 2013
Finish “charity” blocks
Empty 6 bookshelves by packing
Tea at my house this week – cook and clean!
Baste and begin quilting 1800 quilt
Make brown bag block
Embroider some kids shirts
Make Jenny’s blocks 

Just to give you an idea of what I need to pack up and then find some place to stash. And I've already taken out 3 boxes of paperback books. I had them 3 layers deep on one of the shelves.  It might be time to take some to the used bookstore. 

I end this post with this very interesting spider's web.  Beautifully made.  As I stepped back to look at it I realized this was one very busy spider.  There was another web at the back of the deck that was 3 dimensional.  There was a very organized front web that looked like the web in the picture.  But behind it was a mass of webbing that looked chaotic.  It was several layers deep.  I didn't see the spider at any of the webs around the deck.  The mist was just right to get this photo. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Your sampler setting looks great. Personally, I think it wouldn't be a problem to use both hand and machine quilting on the top.

    Yikes, that was one busy spider!

  2. Your dilution with the background fabric did the trick, I don't see Halloween, I see fall. (Though, my college colors were orange and black, so I could claim school spirit ).

    That's quite a spider web!

  3. The background fabric border with the black inner border works just great. A good decision.


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