
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Triangle Thursday #20

Scrap Zig Zag
This design is number 1334 in Barbara Brackman’s Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns. Barbara Brackman says it might be attributed to Nancy Cabot but she doubts that. Hum, must be a mystery block. I’d like to see this with lots of different blocks.  I think I would keep the fabrics the same as I did here but then use all sorts of differently colored blocks.  Click here for a printer ready version of these instructions. 
Cutting directions are for 6”
Number to cut
Rectangles (med or light)
Cut 2” x 3 ½” rectangles
Triangles (same med or light)  
Use 1 ½” template
Squares (dark)  
Cut 2” x 2” squares
Triangles (same dark)
Use 1 ½” template
 Next lay out the pieces as shown in the finished block.

Sew the half square triangles to the square, press the seam to the square. Make sure you have the fabrics in the correct position.  Next sew the half square triangle unit to the rectangle.  Lay out the block again so you get everything in the correct order.

Sew the units into rows and then sew the rows together.  Voila! You are done with this block. One thing I like about this block is there is little that much match.  Just the center and it’s all the same color.

Poor Raggs.  He'd love to come help in the studio finishing but we won't let him.  Lonely little dog.  Kona could care less!

The floor has been started!  And, since I took this there's even more floor down.  But there is a lot of floor still to lay.  

Happy Quilting All! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the block directions.

    Poor Raggs. He does look a little forlorn.


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