
Monday, August 26, 2013

Design Wall Monday 8-26-13

My design wall has a lot on it this week. 

Here are two more of the blocks I made for Jenny.  We were auditioning a gray for leaders and enders... nope, this one won't work.

Are you doing Bonnie Hunter's split 9 patch challenge?   I really perked up when I saw Bonnie's challenge.  I was a step ahead of the game. I knew I had bunches of half triangle squares already made. I rummaged around for them (actually I knew exactly where they were even after moving the whole sewing room!)  And, there right with them were 3" squares, bunches, already cut out.  It was kismet.  So I've been using them as my leader ender project.  Ugh, did I actually start a new project without even realizing it? Um. Er. Uh, I guess so.  

Next I happened upon Karen Combs' book Combing Through Your Scraps. She shows lots of ideas and patterns to use blocks like the split 9 patch. If you can get your hands on a copy take a look at it.  Now, as I finish a block I add it to my design wall as I build a quilt from the book.  It is fun to be able to put a big quilt on the wall.  I'm looking forward to using a LOT of those half triangle squares.  
These blocks will be going to Fran, in New Zealand, who is a member of the FCQ Equilters.  She's going to make hearts out of the units we're sending her. 
I added more to the lotto blocks for the retreat in October.  Er, I sure don't like the orange/purple blocks.  The contrast is too low.  I'll include them because whoever wins might like them.  I'm probably making one more pair of blocks but I will use higher contrast fabrics. 

The weekly goal report is great.  

Week of August 19, 2013
Make Jenny’s Block
Make more lotto blocks & FCQEquilter blocks
Mail Pam’s blocks
Sew the binding on Chinese Coin quilt
Make backing for Bumble Bee quilt
Load Bumble Bee quilt and start quilting
Enjoy the grands if they stop by

Week of August 26, 2013
Finish making Fran’s blocks & mail them off
Load Bumble Bee quilt and start quilting
Hand sew down binding on Coins quilt
Put away “stuff” for long arm
Cut 10” squares for retreat drawing
Pick a UFO to work on
Hand quilt on 1800s quilt

Last, but by no means least, here's Natalie. Look at her curls!  She gets them from me. (Well, and from Brian's side of the family.) They stopped on their way to visit Brian's sister who has moved to the south. 
Since it is Design Wall Monday it's time to pop over to Judy's blog and visit design walls across the world!  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Wow, so much going on at your house. I seem to be just plodding but I have decided that it is just my age and I since I don't have a deadline for anything I am doing, it is all right. But Christmas is looming and by this time I usually have decided what, if anything, I am going to make. Gotta get on that.

  2. I like the low contrast blocks - they are refreshing in with the others.

    I love those blocks called Mary's triangles in the first book I had that used them. They make so many things. I looked up the Combs' book - it's not in the library, and I don't want to pay $29 for it. Hummm - DH will need to help find a cheaper copy.

    Love the baby best of all!

  3. All the blocks are great, but my favorites are the black and white ones - lovely!

  4. Of your quilt photos this week, my favorite blocks are the purple/lime/turquoise at the top.

    And I do love that curly hair!

  5. What a sweetie! Bet everything came to a halt while she was visiting. I'm all admiration for all you got done. Love those split 9P quilts.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.