
Monday, August 5, 2013

Design Wall Monday

Natalie's butterfly. 

Not much sewing going on around here.  But I did get two shirts embroidered for the grand daughters before their birthday party. Hum, those purple shorts don't go all that well with the embroidery colors.  I know Sophie won't necessarily wear them together and since she often picks Natalie's clothes, I doubt Natalie will either! 

Make sure you visit Patchwork Times to  be able to visit blogs across the internet to see what folks are doing! 

Sophia's elephant stack.
Once we finished painting the baseboards and added shoe molding to the closet, Pat announced that the new studio is officially done.  What? Huh?  I still can't use it though! I am making progress getting things put back away. Here's the beginning of filling the shelves.  
Darn those fabrics are looking good! I know I have more to keep adding to the open shelves.  But, I'm trying to consolidate the odd ball pieces of fabric in the bins underneath.  I want to store my yarn collection in plastic bins also as they are so easy to see what you have without getting dusty. (And, I'd rather not buy more of them!)  And speaking of dust! Yikes, every lid is being washed as they have years of accumulated dust and dirt on them and I never noticed.  Probably because I don't get into them all that often. 

How did I do on goals this week? Wow! Really well evidently! 
Week of July 29, 2013
Paint the rest of the baseboards
Baste and begin quilting 1800 quilt
Embroider some kids shirts
Start putting stuff back on shelves
Wrap BD presents
Enjoy the Sophia and Natalie’s birthday celebration

Week of August 5, 2013
Put all fabric away on shelves
Put away/move all the stuff in the middle of the floor so that the cutting table     can be moved in 
Make brown bag block
Keep working on getting the studio ready to sew in!
Have fun with Sharon 

And, here are pictures of the grands after their birthday party when they were opening their presents from the family. 
I LOVE the Scaredy Squirrel books so of course, they have to have some of their own.  Natalie got the first book, Scaredy Squirrel.  And Sophie got the most recent book Scaredy Squirrel Has a Birthday Party.  
Here's Sophie with her first birthday cupcake. She was sitting right next to the cupcakes and we think she may have eaten parts of three of them!  

I'm off to get more things put away and Ruthie, the long arm is going up today!  Wow.  I could actually finish a quilt or two soon! 

Happy Quilting All! 

1 comment:

  1. So tidy! There's nothing so much fun as setting up a new studio. :-)


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