
Monday, August 12, 2013

Design Wall Monday

Here's what I've sewn over the last week. 
Yep, 2 blocks. These are lotto blocks for the fall retreat.  Well, I did do 1 Dresden Plate but I forgot to take a photo.  
Oh, and this little block for Fran of the FCQ Equilters.  I wanted to give it a try.  

There are more of these to come.  I went through my squares that I've cut up and have chosen many to make more of these.  They could be like chips, you can't eat make just one. 

Pat and I moved the cutting table into the studio along with some other furniture.  Actually, by Friday, everything has been moved in with the exception of a couple of boxes I'm holding off bringing in as I have a ton of stuff to put away.  
Sharon was visiting and helping me organize the studio which is what we did most of the weekend. She also got this top done. 

Here I am sewing at one of the three sewing stations I will have when everything is set up.  I'm on the Featherweight. Sharon was using Bubbles, the Bernina. 
Ruthie is up and I even started a quilt on her.  There is a box labeled "Tops" that I took a look at.  Hum, it contained several tops but one had the backing and the binding with it.  I put it on so I could give Ruthie a try.  She's working really well.  Until, a thread broke.  I think I must have stitched over the line just the wrong way.  I'll get back to this quilt this week. 

OOOH.... everything is checked off on my goals list! 
Week of August 5, 2013
Put all fabric away on shelves
Put away or move all the stuff in the middle so that the cutting table can come in
Make brown bag block
Keep working on getting the studio ready to sew in!
Have fun with Sharon
Week of August 12, 2013
Finish quilt on Ruthie
Make more lotto blocks and FCQEquilters blocks
Mail blocks off to Pam and Sue
Make Jenny’s blocks
Pick a UFO to work on
Enjoy field trip to Ikea
Keep organizing and weeding my stuff

That's it for Design Wall Monday.  Visit others' walls at Patchwork Times.

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Bonnie, I love your block lotto blocks -- the print combinations you've used are awesome!! The piece your friend finished -- wow, that's stunning! :)

  2. Oh, what a beautiful room!!! More pictures, please. I love the wall of windows, and I'm so jealous that you can walk around both ends of Ruthie!

    Your blocks are great, as usual, and your friend's quilt is stunning!

  3. A airy room with lots of light: heavenly!

    Good to hear that you are starting to settle in and do some sewing.

  4. Yay!!! You are finally in your new space and sewing. I agree with other commenters that we need to see more photos! It looks so pretty.

  5. Woohooo, moving in is such a great feeling! What a wonderful space for creating those masterpieces. I'd stay up there all day if I were you.

  6. Your studio is beautiful! You'll want to spend ALL your time there.

    Whoever wins the lotto for those Bento box blocks will be able to make a great quilt.

  7. I am really jealous of your studio....seriously jealous. And it's great to see Sharon down there helping you break it in!

  8. Such a beautiful studio! Have fun getting your new space all filled in.


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