
Monday, October 14, 2013

Design Wall Monday October 14, 2013

Something new on the design wall but only because I had to get enough room to lay it out! 
These are the 4 patch blocks I started when I gave a demo to my guild on magic 4 patches.  I decided I would use charms from several charm packs and add fabric as needed.  Hum, the 8" finished block isn't quite big enough for the baby quilts so I did a bit of a stash search and came up with some bright red kid's fabric.  I wonder if I can get the borders and the backing out of the fabric I have? But I also bought some fabric while on retreat. What to do, what to do? 
Here's what's left to sew of the shaded 9 patch. I'll be using it as an ender to sewing the double 4 patch blocks into rows. 

Hum, my great report on fabric usage from last month may not hold up this month!  I've been shopping. The left side is yardage while the right side is fat quarters.  All of the patriotic fabric was given to me by Mary at the retreat. Thanks Mary! These will be in some sort of Quilts of Valor quilt/s.  The bottom green was purchased for the backing of the double four patch.  Hum, how much of that did I buy? It might be enough for border and backing.The reds are for cuffs for a pillowcase project Country Piecemakers is doing. (hum if I make the pillow cases this month I could have some fabric used up!)  The sailboats is for a quilt I'll be making for Faithful Circle Quilters for a Project Linus challenge.  I've got some polka dot fabric to go with it and I hope it all goes together.  We'll see about that.  The sad truth is I have more fabric that needs to be washed. I'll post it later. 

Since it is Monday, don't forget to visit Judy at Patchwork Times to find links to Design Walls across the Internet. 

Yikes, last week I didn't make much progress on the goals so you'll see a lot of them again this week. 
Week of October 7, 2013

Sew the shaded 9 patch together√ not all rows yet
Clean the studio √ hum, not enough cleaning
Sew the bright and white 4 patch together—er, no
Clean downstairs√ dusted, vacummed and scrubbed
Find backing and load baby quilt from the June retreat. √ partially – I found a backing
Make breakfast treats for guild√ yummy Pecan Pie Muffins
Read a book √ several books got read which might explain why I didn’t get much done in the studio!
Have fun with Sophia, Natalie, Jennie and Brian when they visit √√

Week of October 14, 2013

Sew the shaded 9 patch together
Clean the studio
Sew the bright and white 4 patch together, decide on borders
Load on Ruthie the baby quilt from June retreat
Attend Women’s Club meeting
Attend Powhattan’s Festival of the Grape! Yum. 

Here's another reason I didn't get much done in the studio this week.  I embroidered the pumpkin head shirts. Sophie's is a bear and Natalie's is a cat. (I made this collage in Pic Stitch on my iPhone. I take all my pictures on the iPhone now but when I download them to my Macintosh, I delete the pictures on the phone. Oops, so these pics of the girls are the ones I didn't download and aren't as good as the individual pictures. You get the idea though. Pic Stitch is an easy app to use and I wonder why I don't use it more!!) 

It's time to get into the studio rather than playing on the computer.  
Happy quilting all! 


  1. You definitely accomplished more last week than I did.

    Love the photos of the Grands!

  2. Your four patch is so cute! I love the bright colors. What a fun baby quilt. Your split nine patch is really coming along, too. I need to make one of those.

  3. Fun quilts! Love the bright colors in both of them.

  4. Love the 4 patch and hope you have enough for border and backing. And 2 extra cute pumpkins!

  5. the brights are so fun against the white. very pretty!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation


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