
Monday, December 16, 2013

Design Wall Monday 12-16-2013

Hum, did I get anything quilty done this past week??

Well, yes, I finished quilting and binding a charity baby quilt.  But, oops, no pictures.  I do have fabric ready to make my pillowcases.  On the holiday front, we got our Christmas tree up and decorated.  The dogs tried hard to undecorate it on Sunday.  Bad dogs!!

This is the little ornament I made last week with the neighborhood gals.  I should make a few more -- it's a wonderful way to use up bits of fabric. 
Here are few additional pictures showing making one and finished projects. 

 Here's where I hung mine -- over the kitchen sink. 
And, wow!  This is one Diana made using basket reed and much bigger.  Hum, I want to make one of these too.  I have left over reed from when I made baskets.... maybe in the spring, so we can work on it outside. 

Did I do any better on my goals list? Well, yes but it wasn't perfect! 

Week of December 9, 2013

 Finish and mail a secret project
Keep working on placemats (4 to go)
Make 2 pillow cases for Christmas Quilt washed, ironed and ready to cut out…
Keep on the knitting projects
Start another secret project
Embroider sweatshirt for ME! Decided against it…
Make ornaments with Diana and gals
Sing at the Advent Lessons and Carols

Week of December 16, 2013
Keep working on placemats (4 to go)
Make 2 pillow cases for Christmas Quilt
Keep on the knitting projects
Work on secret project
Christmas Shopping, wrapping, etc.
Figure out embroidery designs for little t shirts
Write and send Christmas Cards

Have a great week.  Spend some time checking out design walls across the internet by visiting Patchwork Times.

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I'm impressed that you got some things done! It seems like I'm struggling to get to anything. The stars are really pretty!

  2. I haven't done any sewing for over two weeks - it's time to get busy and work on some projects.

    The ornament stars are beautiful. My sister made a bunch for her friends, too. I love the one made out of basket reed - wow, that is ambitious but stunning.

  3. Such cute ornaments. Is there a tutorial? It seems like they would be nice with Christmas cards.

  4. Your ornament is lovely. My husband bought me a kit to make these. I am having trouble getting the fusible to fuse. When I glue the tips the fabric separates from the stiff paper. Any hints you can share?

  5. Those ornaments are so pretty. Is there a tutorial for them somewhere? I'd love to make one for my mom.

  6. Very pretty ornament. Sometimes it's nice to work "off the list", you will get back to it later.


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