
Thursday, January 30, 2014

UFO's -- Slowly Finishing a BOM

Do you remember A Tisket, A Tasket from Bunny Hill Designs? It started life as a free Block of the Month in 2009.  I decided to do the appliqué version of it.  I will admit to starting several months late -- and I never caught up.  My blocks have been languishing in the UFO pile for quite a while.  Every once and a while I would take them out sew a little bit and then put them back away.  

Recently I've been trying to finish some blocks.  4 blocks were totally done, 7 blocks were in progress and one wasn't started.  After my session the other night I've got 8 blocks done, 3 needing some embroidery or buttons, and the last one is fused, ready for me to cut out and prep the appliqué pieces.  In other words, I'm making progress.  Here are some of the blocks I was working on Wednesday night. 
Three more blocks added to the finished pile.
And here's one I am still working on. 
Generally I was writing what still needed to be done on the top of the pattern sheet but this one had a long list of items to do so I listed them on a post it note.  I still need to embroider some words above the basket.  Happily, I found my bias bars today so I can make the handle for the last block.  (There are still quite a few odd items I haven't found after the move into the new studio. I still have a couple of boxes and bags of stuff stashed away.  One of these days I'll go through them and find places for them or get rid of them.) 

Richmond area has been hit with 2 snow storms -- last Tuesday 1/21 and this week, Tue. 1/28.  We weren't originally forecasted for any snow this week and we ended up with about 4" in the back yard.  The biggest issue with snow is the dogs won't go outside while either a) it's actually snowing or b) the deck has snow on it.  Usually by the day after they are happy to go play in the snow.  Go figure.  A long term forecast calls for 3 - 6" next week and 1 to 2 FEET on Feb. 8 and 9th.  WHAT?  Feet of snow in Richmond?  I'll keep you posted.  And, I'll make sure I have plenty of projects to work on! 

Here's the thermometer for this morning at 7:15 or so when we left for our workout at the Y. That is 5.0 -- not 50.  Yikes.  No wonder I was cold overnight.  Tonight is suppose to be much warmer -- 16º.   

I sewed the binding on the front side of the stained glass quilt and took the brown and blue quilt off Ruthie today.  Tomorrow I'll be sewing the binding on the brown and blue and then sewing all that binding down.  Oh fun.  But I am looking forward to a very good month of fabric usage.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I loved this pattern and watched many bloggers making it, so glad you have pulled it out cause your blocks are adorable. I have printed but not done as yet it is on my growing quilters list.

  2. tisket, tasket was and still is one of my favorite BOM from Bunny Hill and I LOVE mine-never get tired of it. I hope you get yours finished this year-if that's on your goal list. It will be beautiful

  3. Doesn't it feel good to make progress on older UFO. Good luck with finishing it up.

    It's definitely been a crazy winter!


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