
Monday, February 24, 2014

Design Wall Monday 2-24-2014

My design wall has old stuff up.  But I did spread out these blocks that are going to Janet who is part of the FCQEquilters group.  They turned out pretty nicely.  Janet will be making Quilts of Valor with these blocks. 

I started quilting the shaded 9 patch quilt that you can see here

Here's what the border is looking like.  I thought I was going to love the quilting I had planned.  It will look fine but it isn't as great as I thought it would be.  Sigh.  But I do like the border.  I think I will be stitching on the white chalk line I used to line up the panto. (um, not the diagonal one on the corner!) 
On to the goals from last week.  Not bad but I really don't have much to show for it. 

Week of February 17, 2014
Make backing for Split 9 Patch
Load Split 9 Patch and start quilting
Sew down first block of Christmas Favorites
Make a Valentine block from Small Quilt Talk Challenge
Decide on next BOM for Country Piecemakers.
Continue using Mystery for Relay as leader and ender – I cut some more pieces but no sewing
Make last FCQ Equilters block & mail
Buy white background fabric for Polka Dot Challenge Quilt
Make Febuary Color Challenge block – PINK

Week of February 24, 2014
Finish quilting Split 9 Patch, (hum I’ve always thought of it as shaded 9 patch I wonder when I changed the name?)
Make and apply binding on shaded 9 patch
Sew pieces of first Christmas Favorites block together
Start next Christmas Favorites block
Make sample block for Country Piecemakers BOM
Cut triangles for Mystery for Relay UFO

Have a great time at the Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival

That's it for today.  Make sure you sneak on over to Patchwork Times and take a peek at all the great Design Wall posts. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Those QOV blocks look great. I wish they were coming to me for our QoV group. Maybe some of my friends would do that for our chapter, if I ask. I do long arm quilting for them, but haven't had time lately to make the tops. Your quilting in the border of your quilt looks good.

  2. Love the QOV stars!

    Your list of weekly goals are wonderful. I really must start doing that.

  3. Hi Bonnie, I keep checking for more Triangle Thursdays. Have you decided you are done or will there be more? Thank you, Ellen


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