
Monday, March 17, 2014

Design Wall Monday 3 -17 - 2014

Weather has turned back to winter (AGAIN) here in Central Virginia.  I'm happy we only have a dusting of snow instead of the 4 to 5" that were predicted.  Luckily it won't impact my activities today.  I'll be off to the neighborhood tea soon and possibly some shopping later. 

I am working on Dots for Tots Charity Challenge from the Faithful Circle Quilters in Maryland.  Each participant was given an envelope with some polka dot fabric in it with the instructions to make a quilt that will be given to Project Linus.  I got a navy blue with blue dots on it. (Hum, you probably can't even see it on these boats.)  And, also a piece with multi color dots on a white background which I haven't used yet.  I picked a pattern from Quiltmaker magazine and have been focused on getting the top together.  I've actually gotten most of these smaller boats done (6 -- 12" blocks.)  I'll be making the 18" blocks of the same boat the next time I work on it.  I haven't decided if I will use the border as shown on the pattern.  I bought a really cute sail boat fabric that will probably end up on the back or maybe on the borders.  Decisions, decisions. Time will reveal all! 

My design wall is pretty much taken up with the Mystery UFO which you can see at my post here. I've got three more blocks nearly sewn together for that top.  Hopefully I'll finish it off this week.  

Here's what on the other side of the boats on the design wall.  One scrap challenge block is sticking out, a small churn dash, a small spool, some other hearts and a bunch of log cabins for a bom lottery block for Country Piecemakers.  (I went a little wild, I think there are about 8 blocks there.  Can I just say my 2" strip drawer is overflowing?) 

My sewing time this past week was some what limited as we took a road trip and I spent a day out after I got my hair cut.  This coming week is going to be worst! Yikes. 

I did pretty well on my goals despite two full days of no time in the studio.

Week of March 10, 2014
Mail out blocks to Janet
Cut out blocks for Polka Dot Challenge
Quilt a baby quilt
Apply binding to split 9 patch
Celebrate our birthdays with a movie and dinner
Keep working on Mystery Quilt
Applique the words on the Christmas Favorites Block
Make baby chicks blocks for FCQEquilters

Make turquoise Color Challenge block

And, I guess this is a bit pared down list since I already know I will be tied up 3 of the 7 days this week. 

Week of March 17, 2014
Quilt a baby quilt
Make turquoise Color Challenge block
Play on EQ 7 to continue learning the program
Sew Mystery Quilt Blocks together
Make sail boat blocks
Sew center of sail boat quilt together

Boy that looks pitiful, even if it is more realistic.  See that play on EQ 7?  I have been able to migrate EQ 7 from windows to my Mac.  I am definitely a Mac girl and really dislike the newest version of Windows.  I was given the opportunity to  try the program before the release later this week.  I'm in heaven.  It feels so much easier to me to use it on the Mac then fight with Windows and try to use EQ 7.  I am not a power user so I have to learn the program but I plan on drawing blocks and quilts that I see other places to get some experience using the program.  As I said, I'm in heaven! 

Don't forget to visit Patchwork Times to see what's on other folks design walls this am.  

Here's the view out my studio windows this morning.

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I am loving the negative space in those sailboats. Very...breezy! ;)

  2. love your boats, don't love the snow. I'm so tired of snow. I know Spring is on the way.

  3. Winter is still hanging on here, too. Snow and nasty conditions last night and this morning. Yuck!

    Love the sailboats!

  4. Love your red and blue boats. It's going to be a fun kids quilt.

    I'd be lost without EQ, most every quilt gets some play time there before I start it.


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