
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Rainbow Scrap Challenge Teal!

My teal block is done.  And, it is so darn cute! I love making this block each month.  I grab a bunch of different scraps -- lights, mediums and darks -- from the assigned color. I'm using the same background fabric each month.  (I don't have that big of a piece of this so I hope I don't run out before the end of the year!)  So here is my teal although I thought of it more as turquoise.  
And here is what the first three look like together.  They are great. Do you think I'm a bit over-the-top on enthusiasm? You bet!  I am looking forward to April's color.  

Did I ever show you the snowmen Diana taught the Tea Group to make?  I couldn't find any pics of them in my past blogs. Here they are.  So we made these sometime last year.  And then we had this photo shoot. 

Diana got creative and then showed me how to make a bunny using the same concept of white tube sox and holiday sox.  He'll be joined by my stuffed bunnies once I have time to find them.  This picture was taken at Diana's house with her bunny plate. 

I'm linking up at soscrappy for the last linky party with the teal scraps.  These linky parties are a great jumping off point to visit additional blogs.  I try to spend some time after each link I post to go visit others blogs. Hope you will too.  Enjoy! 

I'm off to get those sailboats together.  Everything is ready to sew the blocks into the center of the top.  Then I need to figure out the borders.  I don't think I'm going to make it as big as the pattern suggests.  Time will tell.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Such a pretty block you selected. that is going to be one awesome quilt.

  2. The block is awesome. Should make a lovely quilt.

  3. Your rainbow blocks are going to make a very pretty quilt. I love the snowmen and the bunny.

  4. I love your attitude! I am having a whole lot of fun making my blocks also. Can't wait to hear April's color!

  5. Love your block! The colors look great together.

  6. The sock snowmen and bunnies are so cute! Your rainbow blocks are glorious. You chose a good pattern to highlight each month's color. A request: each time I see the header of your blog I try to figure out how the blocks are put together. Are they on-point or straight set?

  7. Your blocks look stunning together! Love the sock snowmen and bunny

  8. This block pattern is going to make a beautiful quilt! Love, love love your sock snowmen. Were they difficult to make?

  9. Beautiful star blocks. Love your snowman and your bunny. Very fun!


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