
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Stashbusting Report -- March

I've gotten my fabric shopping under better control and that is reflected in my stashbusting statistics. I am whittling away on the nearly 13 yard deficit from last month.  I've still got a ways to go but I am making progress.  I've got a busy month ahead of me and I doubt I will have great success with next month's figures. At least not with too many finished quilts.  

Fabric In Month
Fabric in Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year

These are the fat quarters I bought last week on a sale too good to miss.  It was cold and then snowed that night.  I must have been thinking spring! I thought I would use them in the girls' Easter shirts but the first one is almost done and not one of the fabrics was used.  Oh well.  They'll look great in something else! 

I've been going to a weekly embroidery class.  Last week we made tissue covers.  Um, er, how do I say this, YUCK.  I like the embroidery design but the finished product -- not so much.  Two weeks ago we made the napkins which I do like. This week we're embroidering towels with a design that goes off the edge.  Should be cute.  

I'm hoping to get Natalie and Sophia's Easter shirts embroidered today along with some sleeve sewing.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Love your Stash Busting report! : ) You accomplish way more than I do. : )

  2. Like your report format, what did you use to create it?

    Great stash numbers.


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