
Monday, June 23, 2014

Design Wall Monday 6-23-2014

Not much sewing happening this week but a great week day vacation. 

For our 41st wedding anniversary we went down to the Outer Banks of North Carolina.  We were welcomed at Cypress House Inn with this sign:
Cypress House, in Kill Devil Hill, was a perfect location for us to explore either north or south in OBX.  We had a lovely room and thoroughly enjoyed the conversations over breakfast with other guests and hosts Bill and Veda.  To learn more about the Inn click here to go to their web site.  Another great thing about this location is you just walked across the street to the public beach access. 

We did spend some time on the beach but most of our time was exploring the sites near by.   Our first walk on the beach and we decided we had to take a selfie or two.  The weather was hot and humid but the ocean breeze was strong.  

One day we headed south to Roanoke Island to the national park which preserves the location of the lost colony of British families who had come to the New World to establish a foothold.  If you don't know this story look it up The Lost Colony of Roanoke.  A whole group of people including Virginia Dare the first English child born in what was to become America vanished in three years.  No one knows what happened to the folks although research is ongoing.  As our technology improves our ability to answer this mystery improves.  

That day we also found a quilt store.  It had some nice batiks and other quilting cottons.  Nothing struck my fancy. (Honestly, do I NEED to buy any fabric at all?)  But it was fun to poke around in the store. 

We visited the Wright Brothers National Memorial and learned more about the first flight.  There's still more to see and do in the area so no doubt we'll be going back to the Outer Banks. 

Being on vacation did limit the amount of sewing I could get done.  My one big accomplishment is getting the last A Tisket, A Tasket block appliquéd. Can I hear a WOOP, WOOP?  I have done a lot of the embroidery that is on most blocks. So even though I didn't finish everything on the blocks I only have embroidery to do on 3 blocks.  Hey, there is hope these blocks can be made into a top soon.  Don't hold your breath but I'm hoping to get the embroidery done this week.  

Here's how I did with the rest of my goals. 
Week of June 16, 2014
Finish all of the A Tisket, A Tasket blocks√ down to 3 blocks needing embroidery 
Read a couple of novels
Keep working on pieced border of Carolina Christmas
Sew the columns of the heart quilt together
Load something on Ruthie √ well at least the backing is on must find batting! 

And this week -- I'm hoping to spend most of the week in the studio getting things done! 
Week of June 23, 2014
Quilt Rail Fence Stars currently loaded on Ruthie
Pull out last year’s brown bag and figure out what to do
Finish the embroidery on the A Tisket, A Tasket blocks
Keep working on pieced border for Carolina Christmas
Begin to finish all the blocks for the Mystery of Powhatan
Plan next bom for Country Piecemakers

I'm connecting up with Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday.  Enjoy a cup of coffee and poke around the Internet to see what is on design walls this week. 

Happy Quilting All, 


  1. Happy Belated Anniversary! From your description, I'd say the vacation was a hit.

  2. Looks like a great vacation spot. I'll have to put that on my list.

  3. Enjoyed your comment on my blog so I came to visit you! Happy Anniv. and glad you enjoyed OBX. Our daughter lives nearby in Elizabeth City so we have been to OBX a few times. I really enjoyed learning more about the Wright Brothers...especially since the first flight was just a few hundred feet. So much to see and learn in this country. Looking forward to seeing more of your work (I did go back and look thru your posts). We seem to have similar tastes and styles.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.