
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Making a Backing

After listing make backing for the sailboat quilt for weeks I finally figured it out.  I have only one more seam to sew and it will be ready to throw on Ruthie. (It will be ready but Ruthie has a list of stuff to quilt before that quilt can go on her!)

I was putting together some of the leftover units for blocks and then I found a bunch of 9 patches and other extra blocks.   I was trying to match them up with hunks of fabrics I had left.  This mental "work" was just too much. I finally grabbed my graph paper and started drawing in the pieces I had.  Next thing I had a very doable backing ready to be sewn together.  Here's what my graph looked like.

And here's what it looked like up on the design wall.  It's not all sewn together at this point but the top section is together. The only thing I'm not thrilled about is the polka dots on the white fabric on the right side.  It was part of the fabric given me for the Dot Challenge so it needed to go on the back as I didn't use any on the front.  Need I say I'm thrilled to get this finished. (Ok honestly, one seam away from finished?) 

I'm on my way to Jenny's house and then on to my retreat tomorrow.  I may have way too many projects but most of what I brought to work on only needs borders and not pieced ones.  Two projects need the blocks sewn together.  And one of those is a pieced border -- all cut and ready to go.

Check in on Design Wall Monday because I hope to have several finished tops to show!

Happy Quilting All! 


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