
Monday, August 18, 2014

Design Wall Monday 8-18-2014

It was a heck of a busy week around here.  I got a bit of sewing done Monday and Tuesday.  But by late afternoon Tuesday I was felled by an infection.  Luckily my doctor's office had evening hours and I was on antibiotics within an hour or so of the visit.  And, antibiotics are so amazing!  

We had planned to go down to Nags Head to continue our quest for a beach house.  We had several houses set to see and hotel reservations.  As it turned out we did get down there and saw the houses.  One was great and we put in an offer.  Just to shorten this the owner decided to take it off the market. What? We were not pleased but we're still optimistic that we'll eventually get a beach house.  Time will tell. 

That pretty much depleted my sewing time along with my lack of motivation.  Kevin and Ellie came down Saturday for a short visit.  Sunday we went on a River Cruise to a winery for lunch and wine tasting with some of our alumni group and our neighbors, Bill and Diana.  It was a grey, overcast day but it was a wonderful trip.

Along the way we saw a lot of eagles.  I even was privileged to see an eagle swoop down, catch a fish and fly off with it in his claws.  They are such majestic birds.  The winery tour was fun although I'm not that much of a drinker.  Overall we had a great time. 

My design wall doesn't look all that different.  I have sewn the first 3 or 4 rows together, taken them off the wall and then added the next rows.  I have run out of the beige fabric and have started hunting for it.  UGH.  Hopefully I'll find some left at the store I bought it at.  I'm also going to try to find borders for it.  If I can find the dark turquoise blue I used in the stars, I will buy enough to use it.  I think the burgundy is too dark for the center of the top so I'll try some other fabrics.  Hopefully I'll at least get enough background fabric to finish the center. The star points are turquoise, deep burgundy and the background.
Sometime soon I need to clean off my cutting table.  I'm piling it higher and deeper!  What you can't really tell is the pile of fabric topped off by the pink is about 8" high.  Someone donated two big bins of fabric to the guild and I've been washing it and refolding.  This is the beginning. (note the two red fabrics are mine.) 
Surprisingly I did make a bit of headway on my goals. 
Week of August 11, 2014
Sew blocks into rows from mystery√ done until i ran out of background fabric.
Finish binding on 3 baby quilts OOPS!
Add border top and bottom to small heart quilt
Keep working on row by rows
Sash Dresden baskets √ started

Work on new Christmas Favorites block Nope

Week of August 18, 2014
Find fabric I’m missing for Mystery Quilt
Work on Row by Row
Bind baby quilts
Sash Dresden baskets
Figure out entertainment during Grammy Camp
Pick up Sophie for Grammy Camp
Enjoy Jenny, Sophie, Natalie and Brian’s visit

Join up with Patchwork Times to see lots of design walls. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I hope your infection is gone and you are feeling better. I've been privileged to see a swooping eagle too. Isn't it amazing!!
    Love you list and started doing my own. Thanks for the inspiration. My sewing table is out of control and on my list for the week. :)

  2. Perhaps the owners of the beach house you loved will change their mind and relist it.

    My cutting table looks pretty similar to yours. This weekend I even managed to cut a pattern in half that slipped under some fabric. Yikes!

    Glad you're feeling better.

  3. It is good you were able to get a handle on that infection so quickly. Hopefully you can get back to your sewing this week.

  4. Glad you were able to get antibiotics - look at all you would have missed. I would have loved to see the Eagles too! Wow!! Good luck on the beach house


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