
Saturday, September 20, 2014

An Almost Done UFO

My mental deadline for this quilt came and went. But I was diligent and it will be done by the end of today.  I want to share it because I doubt I'll get good pictures when I finish it this evening. This was Mystery 28 from Marge's Mysteries for Relay.  I started it in March or was it April in 2013?  I worked on it on and off for a while and finally finished the top at the Faithful Circle Quilter's Retreat in June.  By then I knew we were computerizing Ruthie so I waited to quilt it until after the upgrade.  

This quilt is being donated to Manakin Episcopal Church's Gala Dinner and Auction to be part of the silent auction next Saturday. The binding has already been sewn on one side by machine and I am doing the hand stitching in the evenings.  

I need to make a label for it but have come up short on naming it.  I love the names Bonnie Hunter gives her mysteries so I'm trying to come up with something descriptive and interesting.  But I've got nothing, nada, nope, not anything.  So help me out folks.  I need a name for this.  If you can come up with something that would be helpful. Although the blue with red flowers is a Christmas fabric it really doesn't scream Christmas to me.  You have to look at the flowers to realize the flowers are poinsettias and are generally thought of as Christmas.  Any thoughts? Ideas?  Add them in a comment -- soon.  I have to have it done to turn over tomorrow. I'll check back early afternoon and see what has been suggested.  

Here's what the quilting looks like on the back.  I pieced the back with mostly fabric from the front except I purchased a piece of red that went well with the front.  The binding is the red from the front.  I love how precise the computer stitches out the design.  I will definitely be quilting for others with Ruthie now.  I have several more quilts waiting to be quilted one of which I need to do a little more custom type work.  That will be interesting to see if I can place partial rows of quilting.  Keep tuned, I'll be showing more finished quilts in the next week or so. 

Needless to say I'm going to have a very good month when I do my final monthly accounting of my stash busting efforts.  We'll be traveling for several days next week so I probably will only get one more quilt done but every one helps especially since I've acquired nearly no yardage this month.  Well, except that one piece I picked up at guild as someone is downsizing her stash. It was only ONE piece -- it could have been yards and yard. But, friends and I are going Tuesday to an embroidery event, lunch and then visit the new location for Quilting Adventures.  

I'm off to have breakfast and some ice tea.  I'll be in the studio most of the day in hopes of getting several more things either finished or farther along toward finished. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. It's a lively quilt and does not say Christmas to me, either. The "X's" caught my eye immediately, and since this is for a church auction, what about something like "Open Arms"


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.