
Monday, October 6, 2014

Design Wall Monday 10-6-14

Sniff!  Retreat is over for another year.  And we all had a fabulous time. 

Here's what I worked on. . . 

This is Carolina Christmas, Bonnie Hunter's yearly mystery for 2009.  I started it sometime in December of that year.  I have worked on it off and on for the last few years.  At the June retreat I got the center blocks all together and started making the pieced blocks for the border. I finished all of the border blocks once I got home.  I was able to put on the small inner border and get three of the four borders together at this retreat.  Hopefully, I won't wait for the next retreat to do the last border.  I was tired and making mistakes by the time I got this far.  I thought I hadn't pieced enough of the border blocks to finish this but I might have enough once I look at it again.  Thank goodness for photos -- I have the top left corner block turned wrong.  Sigh.  This may be a top by the end of this month.  In fact, if I were clever, I would have the thing quilted and bound by the end of the month but I have a lot going on this month so we'll see. 

Winston is one of the three wild dogs that I buttonhole stitched around the edges.  He has some eyes and other small details that will be added once I get the top together and quilted.  I've now finished all the appliquéing and I'm ready to sash them.  I bought fabric to do that but need to figure out if I have everything I need to finish the top.  

I didn't put much on my weekly goals because I knew I would be spending most of my time preparing and packing projects for the retreat.  

Week of September 22, 2014
Hair cut
Prep last 2 wild dogs
Cut background for new scrap quilt
Cut blocks for Christmas favorites
Attend Country Piecemakers Retreat!!
Get to Amish store to buy licorice and glass chimney for candle sticks

Visit Patchwork Plus

And for this week... pretty low key as I rest up and clean up from the retreat.

Week of October 6, 2014
Unpack projects and machine from retreat
Stitch the second Grim Ripper
Quilt something, anything, on Ruthie
Make a block for Christmas Favorites
Prepare for and attend Country Piecemaker’s meeting
Clear off the cutting table and put away the scraps
Clean the studio

I learned something this weekend.  My car can accommodate three gals and supplies for a 4 day, 3 night retreat. I got very good using my side mirrors! 

Visit Patchwork Times if you want to see Design Walls Across the Internet. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. You accomplished a lot at the retreat. Glad you had a good time.

  2. I need to take a lesson from you. I keep saying I don't go to retreats because my husband cooks and I don't have demands on me and I can quilt all I want, yadda, yadda. But that leaves out the fellowship part of a retreat. And now that I think of it, Pat cooks too, well, not all the time like Gary, but if you needed him to, he would. So I think it's time I went to a retreat. Wanna come with me?

  3. Your BH quilt is wonderful! I know I depend on photos to keep me straight. Have a great week!

  4. Your Carolina Christmas quilt looks so pretty. I don't feel so bad not finishing my 2 Bonnie mystery quilts. Maybe at my retreat one will get finished this year. Love your wild dog applique. Cute.

  5. Congrats on your Carolina Christmas progress. I think I have parts of mine somewhere in my studio. I'll get it done eventually...

  6. Fabulous C Christmas quilt - she is almost done! Congrats! And Winston sure is a character - even without eyes ;-)

  7. Your Carolina Christmas looks great and you made a lot of progress.


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