
Monday, November 3, 2014

Design Wall Monday 11-3-2014

How did it get to be NOVEMBER?  I think tomorrow I might be typing 2015 at this rate! 

Nothing has changed on my design wall as I spent the last week at the beach house and with Sharon further south in New Bern, NC.

Pat and I got up early Wednesday and took sunrise pictures at the beach.  I take most of my pictures with my iPhone.  It is 2 years old (almost) but it takes nice snap shots.  I tend to crop photos in iPhoto and then add my watermark.  I am definitely not a professional photographer.  Sometimes I can't get a decent photo to save my life.  But I was happy with these two pics.  One is my attempt at a panorama shot of the beach that morning.  The other is of the sunrise.  
Nags Head at sunrise

Friday morning I drove from Nags Head to New Bern, North Carolina.  It was a lovely, easy drive.  What I saw the most of was cotton fields.  I love how cotton looks growing.  You turn a corner and come across a sea of white.  This trip I saw fields full of cotton right next to fields where the cotton had already been picked. (Well, the cotton was in big bales or rolls.  Was it "picked?" Or did a machine yank it off the plant, take the seeds out and bale it? ) 

Ok, I know I shouldn't have been driving and taking pictures but honestly, there weren't many cars around.  The color is wrong because I took it through the windshield.  This was a pretty typical large field.  It looked like the cotton bolls were popping forth.  All along the side of the road cotton bits and pieces spread.  I probably should have stopped and picked one up but honestly, what would I have done with it? 

I met Sharon at her dad's place.  After knowing Sharon for over 20 years this is the first time I met her dad.  We had a great time.  We had lunch at a barbecue restaurant. Yum! Then Sharon and I went on to the local quilt show. (That's the real reason I was there!) The show was put on by Twin Rivers Quilters Guild and there were about 250 quilts hung.  I didn't take all that many photos so I can't share all that much with you.  But here are a couple of the quilts.  
"Anna Maria Sunsets" by Sheilagh Menzies of Anna Marie, Florida
Bills Picture Quilt by Karen Dodd of New Bern, NC
This was a neat idea.  Karen took Bill's paintings and took the color out with Photoshop.  Then she bordered it -- but she also went through the picture.  It made a very interesting quilt. 
Acacia Revival Quilt by Julie Mylander, New Bern, NC
Yea, I know, I didn't take great pictures.  This last one I took specifically for the quilting.  I like the waves running edge to edge on the quilt.  The photo was taken for me to remember that idea!  Plus, I love the colors in this quilt.  (Hum, the photo seems to be off on the color...not that surprising, sigh.) 

I'm back to keeping up with my goals now.  I didn't really do any last week.  Here's what I hope to get done this week.  At least I don't have much planned this week. 
Week of November 3, 2014
Quilt three charity quilts
Plan & write directions for guild BOM
Prep one pillowcase for Guild pillowcase day
Attend Guild meeting and Pillowcase day
Work out at least 3xs this week
Vote on Tuesday
Work on Easy Street

Make dental appt. for Raggs

Click by Patchwork Times to see what other folks have on their design wall.  Oops, Design Wall Monday isn't up yet so I'll edit the post when I notice it is up and going.  Hope all is fine with Judy. 

Happy Quilting All!  


  1. the sunrise/set picture in the middle is a bargello quilt waiting to happen. Get going on that, okay? and let me know when you're done, ;->
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  2. It's funny to think we were in Nags Head at the same time. We rented a cottage overlooking the ocean. I took a lot of photos of dawn, I just need to put them into a collage so that I don't have photo overload!
    What a neat quilt show.


  3. Great photos of the beach and sunrise - I use my phone exclusively for photos now. Frankly, I don't even know where my camera is anymore.

  4. Oh, what a beautiful sunrise! I use my phone or iPad for pictures. When they are next to one another (in my home office) somehow, mysteriously, pictures taken on one device transfer to another. I'm still not sure what the difference between Camera Roll and My Photostream, though.

  5. Gorgeous photos! I take pictures of quilting too!! There is a sculpture at my Dr's office that i took a picture of to copy as quilting. Fun! Looks like you had a good time.

  6. Beautiful photos. Having used a DSLR since college, I often forget that my I-phone has a camera.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.