
Monday, January 5, 2015

Design Wall Monday 1-5-2015

Here we go with 2015's Design Wall Mondays! Make sure you stop by Patchwork Times to find the first link up party for 2015.

Have you been in your studio sewing away? I wish I could say I have been stitching my heart out but I can't! I have been working on identifying my UFO's. UGH. I'll tell all on Wednesday when I post my first 15 Minute Studio Spiff Up.

Here's one beautiful block I uncovered. This feathered star block was done in a class with Marsha McCloskey. She is a fabulous teacher -- look at that block! No points cut off.  I love the colors of this block. So why didn't I do anything with it?  No doubt I wanted it to be part of a big quilt. Well, that didn't happen. Hum, any suggestions on what I should do with it? Part of me says a big tote bag but maybe you all have some better suggestions. I'd really like it out of the UFO pile and into a usable item. Send suggestions! 

I've actually made a decisions about my goals. I'm going to list my 4 top goals a week to work on and share in this blog. I'll probably put more on my own list to keep me focused. But, 4 to share seems much more reasonable so the whole blog isn't an endless goal list. It does help me stay focused though. The first goal list of the new year. 
Week of January 5, 2014
Finish quilting 2 charity quilts
Start quilting Kay’s quilt
Decide on block for the FCQEquilters and send to members
Finish listing my UFOs and prioritize them

Join me this Wednesday, Jan. 7th for my first 15 Minute Studio Spiff up post. You can work along side me as we spiff up, organize and clean our studios. It'll be more fun if you join me.  

Happy Quilting All!  


  1. I really like the idea of making the block into a bag. I would love to take a class with M.M. How was it?

  2. This block is beautiful. A bag or a pillow would be lovely.

  3. I think it would make a great medallion for a table topper. It is a gorgeous block.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.