
Monday, February 9, 2015

Design Wall Monday -- February 9. 2015

I got very little done this past week.  A cold has slowed me down big time.  I'm happy if I can get 3 hours in the studio each day. Hopefully I'm getting better but it doesn't feel that way this morning.  

Valentine's day is coming up at the end of the week.  I've finally finished 3 little Valentine's shirts that will be going in the mail to the grands.  Here are the shirts.  

Sophie is our tom boy so she's getting a Ninja this year.  When we were Face Timing last night she seemed to like it. 
Natalie, on the other hand, would love to be a princess.  Although, her shirt doesn't fit the "princess" theme it is full of bright colors and pink. I love the design but, oh my, it took a long time to do all those different colors and lay down all the fabric pieces. I don't think I got the fabrics as flat as they could have been.  But I'm pretty sure Natalie will like it no matter if it is wrinkled. 
Ellie is a bit too young for me to figure out what she really likes and dislikes.  Maybe her mom and dad have but I haven't thought to ask when I've spoken to them. But I do know she is Toadally Lovable! 
All of these designs are from Designs by JuJu.  If you like these, sign up for her emails as she has sales on a regular basis. 

I did get a quilt or two on and off Ruthie recently but nothing I can show pictures of yet. (Well, one I could but I'm not sure I got a photo of it. Oops!) 

What about the goals this past week? Not a particularly successful week. 
Week of February 2, 2015
Quilt charity quilt and another quilt (sorry, secret things happening here!) 
Get the borders on the Wild Dog Quilt
Do some embroidering

Finish making backing for the red, white and blue pinwheel quilt, load it on Ruthie (ugh, see below! At least a few more seams are done) 

And, now what I hope to get done this week. 
Week of February 9, 2015
Mail embroidered shirts to the grands
Finish the backing for the r, w, and b quilt and get it loaded and quilted
Get the borders on the Wild Dog Quilt
Pick another UFO quilt to work on and get to it!
Send a quote regarding a couple of older quilts to be finished for some friends

Have you ever finished a quilt from old blocks?  I have both a quilt top and some old blocks along with miscellaneous fabrics some friends passed on to me in hopes I could finish them for their parents.  I'm sure I can do it but I've never actually done it.  It appears the two I've focused on are from the thirties.  One is already a top but the piecer wasn't too interested in accuracy.  When it is quilted it will definitely have puckers and folds in it. I doubt anyone will mind if it can just get to a usable state.  Have you ever done this type of work?  I'd love to hear your ideas and any suggestions on pricing.  

That's it for me today.  I'm heading to the studio to actually finish the r, w, and blue backing.  Late yesterday afternoon I figured out how to get it to the right size.  Yea.  I'm am definitely looking to get something of mine finished soon! 

I'm linking with Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Adorable shirts!! They will love them! Sorry you are feeling crummy, hope that cold leaves soon. Don't forget to rest and take care of you.

  2. Those are some lucky girls. How cool is it that an embroidery design appliqués as well?

    I've been asked to finish a quilt top. I'm not really sure how to charge, it's a grandmothers flower garden. I don't know what will need to be done. At the moment though it is on hold. The owner of the quilt (the daughter of the maker) and my friend (the grand daughter of the maker) are at odds over what the back of the quilt will be. My friend thinks her grandmother would have used one of the fun thirties repros and her aunt wants to use a sheet (!!!). When they work it out then I will do the best I can.

    If you are "only" quilting the top then wouldn't you just charge normal rates and then binding? It might be best to clear the price with the customer just in case they didn't expect it to cost much.


  3. Yes, I've worked with old blocks and turned them into a quilt. I will NEVER do it again, and you can quote me on that. The first set of blocks were well constructed; the second set, awful. It was for a friend and she paid me $100 for making the top and backing. She bought all the fabric for the sashing/borders and backing. She took it to another lady to machine quilt - I only assembled the top. I was glad to get the project completed and out of my house.

  4. Those shirts are adorable! I've never worked with anyone else's blocks, so can't be of any assistance.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.