
Monday, March 23, 2015

Design Wall Monday 3-23-15

Not much to show. I've been half-heartedly working on quilting this cute embroidered quilt.  The top and embroidery were made by my friend Kay.  I'm quilting and binding it.  We will be donating it to the local Woman's Club, of which we are both members.  It will be raffled off during the spring luncheon with all proceeds going to the favorite charity of the president.  

When I started to quilt this I thought I would use white thread and stitch in the ditch in the white around each of the embroideries and tree blocks.  Except, it dawned on me that the back of the quilt is red and I didn't want to use white on the backing.  Hum... the issue with that is often the backing thread actually is pulled up and shows through the front.  Not what I want for this quilt.  So alternate plan is to stitch a quarter inch around the outside of each design with red thread.   

That's been working quite well.  It's amazing how much better you get when you practice or use a skill! I am doing this by hand guiding Ruthie and using a ruler.  Except, I find it boring.  So, I've been doing one row a day for a couple of days.  Yes, I could get it done in half a day but ... I'm not all that motivated and it isn't due for a month. You can't really see the quilting but it's there.  Even the top red border has a nifty little design.  When I'm all done I'll take the quilt off Ruthie and turn it to do the side borders.  With only an 18" throat I find turning the quilt an easy way to handle side borders.  Thank goodness for Red Snappers as it is really quick to turn a quilt! 

Here's what happened on the goals front last week. 
Week of March 16, 2015
Finish Wild Dog backing
Finish the extra blocks for the log cabin quilt, then retire them while I finish other projects √ continue to make progress.
Start secret project, sorry can’t divulge info on this one yet√ a bit is cut out
Quilt Christmas Embroidery top that will be raffled at the Women’s Club spring luncheon. √ started
Antique quilt working toward bordering and finishing

And this week's goals: 
Week of March 23, 2015
Seriously work on Secret Project
Finish quilting Christmas Embroidery top that will be raffled at the Women’s Club spring luncheon.
Finish 2 more log cabin blocks and put them away for later finishing…
Begin organizing scraps for Bonnie Hunter classes!

Take a look at Patchwork Times to jump to design walls across the internet.  Also linking up with Love Laugh Quilt. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. That is such a wonderful quilt, can't wait to see if done. Ruler work can be pretty boring, and to top it off it takes a lot longer, but it looks awesome on the quilt. Those red snappers are wonderful, I can't imagine being without mine. Can't wait to see this one finished.

  2. The quilt is adorable & will be a popular fund-raiser for the group. Nicely done!

  3. What a wonderful quilt to auction! Great job on the quilting too. ;)


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