
Monday, April 27, 2015

Design Wall Monday 4-27-2015

Do you ever have a day where you just can't figure out what went wrong and how to put a block together?  Thursday I was in Maryland at Jenny's and I tried to put together a new block.  After starting wrong I finally got the block together.  And, then I compared it to my directions and oops!  It wasn't right.  I gave up for that day and decided to fix it when I got back home.  

Fast forward two days.  I took sections of the block apart in the evening.  The next morning I couldn't find one of the pieces.  I kept looking for it -- I should have had 5 pieces but only had 4.  Eventually I realized the missing piece was actually sewn to one of the units.  I finally took all the units apart and resewed the whole thing and got it right!  I've got several more of these to make -- I sure hope I have better luck with them then the first one. But I love how bright and graphic the block looks. 

Next up -- trying to decide how to finish these three blocks into a table runner.  Last year I gave a  demo where I had all sorts of these blocks in various stages to show how the block was made.  In my effort to finish more UFOs I decided to turn three of these blocks into a table runner.  Here's my thought process for finishing this. 
Hum, should I put these on point?  Unfortunately, I don't have much of that red left.  So maybe not a big triangle.  I wonder if I can make these on point by using the square in a square technique? Some research on whether I can actually do this with the fabric on hand is needed.  Now alternate plan 2. 

Now how do I plan this one out?  So, do the side borders go on first and then the half square triangle on top?  And, here is number 3, a bigger triangle that should fit the side borders. Ok, this might work.  I did a little Internet surfing to find some ideas and saw one that used a print for the border and triangles.  I'm going to search my Christmas fabric to see if I have any that would go with these blocks. I am NOT buying fabric for this either!   I'll keep you posted on what I do with this. 

Despite being gone for three days I got most of my goals done this past week. 

Week of April 20, 2015
Load and quilt donation quilt
Continue working on Love Shack
Head to Maryland to visit Jenny and the girls

Work on Easy Street Didn’t happen!

Week of April 27, 2015
Load and quilt Mary’s quilt
Continue working on Love Shack
Figure out Christmas table runner
Make binding and apply to penguin donation quilt

If you read blogs like I do, mostly Design Wall Monday, take a few minutes to look over Saturday's blog about my visit to the DAR Museum's Eye on Elegance exhibit showing Early Quilts of Maryland and Virginia.

That's it from here.  Check out other blogs by visiting Patchwork Times and   Love Laugh Quilt.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I really liked them on point......

    I will be watching to see just how you finish them......

  2. Apparently this pattern has been taken off the manufacturer's website. I think the thumbnail photo will be sufficient to show you the setting -- you might consider it for your blocks. I made five runners with this pattern but right now I can't find the photo of the ones I made.

  3. I may have the pattern printed out...but it's in a box, in the garage.

  4. I'm tired and hungry just reading about your trip to the DAR.
    I like the blocks on point, but then I'm not the one who has to make it!
    The four patch block is very interesting. I'm very curious to see how it works with other blocks and how they go together.


  5. Very graphic block. Looking forward to seeing others in that set.

  6. that orange and white block really jumps out and say "hey look at me" and I certainly did. Hard to believe some so cute could cause that much trouble. But hopefully it's one of those things that only happens once. I can't wait to see what you do with your stars, I really like them on point and I like the one that Nann made too, can't wait to see what you do with this one.

  7. That orange and white block has me wanting to make a quilt! ;) thanks for linking up today.

  8. Sometimes those little pieces like to mess with up...hiding on our clothes, with another block, right in plain sight. LOL Glad you figured out your block. I love blocks on point. Can't wait to see how you finish your table runner.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.