
Monday, June 29, 2015

Design Wall Monday 6 - 29 - 2015

I was pretty successful this week in finishing or moving forward on my projects.  First up, what I can show you.  I finished this donation quilt that will be going to a local nursing home. 
This was a joint effort between Sara Anne and myself.  She cut the pieces out from a collection of fabric she has (and is ready to move out!).  I swapped out whatever was in place of the yellows and added them, sewed it and then quilted.  The quilt pattern is a slight variation of Two's Company. I just bought a new edge to edge quilting design and wanted to give it a try.   It is called Ginger Snap and was designed by Apricot Moon.  I really like how it turned out.  See below to notice how it isn't obvious where the rows are.  It also doesn't go up and down so there are no blank spaces at the top and the bottom of a quilt.    

A large chunk of my time was spent quilting a 90 x 90 quilt for a customer.  I'll share it with you in the future.  I figure she needs to finish it and share with our quilt group before I post it here.  

Overall I did pretty well on my goals this week.  I'm close to finishing another UFO and hope to get back to finishing Galaxy.  We'll see how it goes. 

Week of June 22, 2015
Finish the handwork on Wild Dogs and put the binding on√, still need to embroider some faces
Get one donation quilt quilted
Quilt next customer quilt

Make blocks for Pam of FCQ EQuilter group√ started need to make a few more

Week of June 29, 2015
Plan border on Trip Around the World quilt
Cut and sew the border on Galaxy
Quilt the Quatrefoil table runner
Finish FCQ EQuilters blocks
Embroider faces on the dogs

I'm linking up with Love Laugh Quilt and Patchwork Times

Happy Quilting All!  


  1. What a lovely donation quilt. I really like your new quilting design, too. Beautiful.

  2. I've seen variations of the pattern before, the big rectangles really allow a fabric to be showcased. Yours looks great.
    I do like the edge to edge design and I'm going to make a note of it so that perhaps someday I can get it!

  3. That pattern works well with the fabric, and it makes a nice sized donation quilt. Your quilting looks great, too.

  4. Love your donation quilt and the quilting pattern. It looks great on this one.

  5. The quilt is really cute and someone is going to love it. I like loopy quilting!
    Way to check things off your list!

  6. I know your efforts on this quilt will be appreciated -- the colors are perfect for a nursing home!! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog about the quilt show I am hanging. I love having input - it helps to constantly improve. Sally

  7. Very nice! The quilt is very cute and I love the quilting stitch!


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