
Monday, July 27, 2015

Design Wall Monday 7-27-2015

Here's what's on my design wall today: 
From top left to right -- a half dresden plate and two stars that are part of a Row x Row from 2014. The 10 bright blocks will be turned into the retreat planner for a drawing during the October retreat I go to.  I really like how these turned out.  I may make some more to make a donation quilt. 

Check below to see a full picture of the triangle blocks.  These were from a Brown Bag challenge at Country Piecemakers last year.  I'm going to quilt it up and donate it to one of our charities, probably the nursing home. 
On to my goals.  I was careful about how many goals I listed this past week.  And lucky me, I worked on all of them. 

Week of July 20, 2015
Get Kay’s top quilted and returned
Possible babysit Ellie
Work on a 2014 Row X Row
Finish several blocks for retreat lotto√, and FCQ Equilter 

And now for this week's.  I'm happy I'll be home most of the week. 
Week of July 27, 2015
Trim and bind table runner
Load and quilt handprint quilt
Finish 2 more 2014 Row X Row sections
Quilt triangle quilt

Work on aprons for grands

I'm linking up with Monday Making and Design Wall Monday

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Bonnie, your bright blocks are great! They will make a gorgeous quilt. The triangle block quilt is beautiful, too. Great design.

  2. How I would love to be a part of the retreat drawing for those bright blocks!

  3. The bright blocks are very eye-catching. I just began a similar strippy project. Great minds, eh? I'd like to try the triangle blocks.

  4. Love those retreat blocks... that would make a great rainbow scrap challenge project!

  5. Love the bright blocks with white. They are so fun to see how they merge together. Does that block have a name.

  6. I love those bright blocks. What is the pattern as that would make a great scrap quilt

  7. great job on the goals and the quilts. looking good

  8. Well those bright blocks sure did cheer up my day!! I love brights with white and those are stunning blocks, great pattern

  9. I love your bright blocks - they will make a great top - hope you are the winner!

  10. Those bright blocks are fun, love them. Congrats on getting to all your goals. You've been really busy.


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