
Monday, July 6, 2015

Design Wall Monday 7 - 6 - 2015

Once again Pat got soaked trying to cook hamburgers on the Fourth of July!  And, I really mean totally wet.  I can't tell you how many July 4ths it has rained buckets. I can remember at least 3 of them including one where we lost power and had a houseful of neighbors.  

I finished the borders on my Galaxy quilt. It will be stashed in the closet as soon as I get the backing made.  I keep dithering about the type of quilting I'd like to do on it.  Who knows what I'll decide.  I've got other things to quilt before I get to it. (This photo just happened to be perfectly placed in front of a hutch at Dorothy's house... it wasn't planned at all!) 

I did work on a little dress for Natalie.  I need to get it done so it can be in the mail in time for her birthday.  Just a few things left to do. 

Goals got accomplished for this week . . .  at least most of them. Here's how I did. 
Week of June 29, 2015
Plan border on Trip Around the World quilt
Cut and sew the border on Galaxy
Quilt the Quatrefoil table runner√ almost done
Finish FCQ EQuilters blocks
Embroider Faces on dogs√ done, photos coming soon

This week will be limited in sewing time as we are going to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to celebrate our niece's ordination as a Lutheran pastor.  Yea for Ann!

Week of July 6, 2015
Plan border on Trip Around the World Quilt
Work on a knitting project
Finish quilting Quatrefoil table runner
Drive to northern Michigan for Anne’s Ordination
Visit some quilt shops along the way

We woke up to a sad sight Saturday morning. This is the huge red bud that is shown in my header picture.  We are guessing that the heavy rain and wind we've been getting in the evenings caused it to crack.  Well, that and the decayed part!  We're sorry to see it go, but it will be coming down.  It has been a wonderful mass of blossoms every spring. I'm sorry to see it go.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Your Galaxy quilt is just lovely! Congratulations on finishing the quilt top! Sometimes it's good to set it aside and think about quilting options for awhile before diving right in. And I'm so sorry for the loss of your tree -- you just can't replace something like that.

  2. Nice quilt! So sorry about the tree. Very disappointing.

  3. I love Galaxy. The colours you chose are gorgeous. I'm so sorry about your tree. It's such a shame when you lose a major fixture like that in your garden

  4. It's always sad when a tree dies. They leave a large hole in the sky when them come down.

    Temperatures have been very cool here the last three days, and I love it. Last night's' concert in the park found the audience in parkas and blankets.

  5. Sorry about the redbud -- one of my favorite trees. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. Hand quilting a quilt is 10 times easier for me than machine quilting, so that is not a problem. Besides, I need something to do while all those baseball games are on TV!! Sally

  6. What a gorgeous quilt, I love the colours! Sorry to hear you got rained on at your 4th of July celebrations. Being rained on is something I'm used to as I live in England!

  7. Galaxy Stars turned out beautifully. Sorry about the red bud tree, it certainly was gorgeous in the spring. Hopefully you've had some dryer weather since the 4th.


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