
Monday, August 10, 2015

Design Wall Monday 8-10-15

Do you donate or give away your quilts and forget to take pictures of the finished product?  Yep, that's what I did Saturday.  I put a wider binding on the triangle quilt and meant to take a picture before I handed it over on Saturday at the quilt quild meeting.  Bummer.  I showed pictures of it here while it was being quilted.  But I never got a full on picture of it after it was quilted.  Sigh. 

Do you keep a photo record of your quilts?  I want to.  I even printed all the quilts I finished last year.  I have a book to enter it all in.  But, no, I don't do that.  I do have a record based on my notebook of fabric usage but finishes are only recorded by the month. Some day I'll do that, but not today.

I made these aprons for Sophie and Natalie for their birthdays.  Sophie is a tomboy and LOVED her ninja apron.  Natalie is all about princesses and purple and pink.  I used a length of "Frozen" ribbon on her apron.  I used a commercial pattern for the apron and was not happy about the sizing.  It said one size fit all for kids.  It is huge on Natalie but eventually she'll grow into it.  I liked the fact that it had d-rings that we can tighten or loosen the top section.  Of course, the ties are way too long for either girl. 
Here they are showing off their aprons and being silly. I'm happy they liked their presents.  Jenny lets them help her cook so the aprons will be used.

They were both willing to have their pictures taken which is not always the case.  I think they had cell phones in their faces way too much when they were babies.  I took advantage of it and got some cute ones of each girl. 
Sophia and Raggs. Notice her new Chewbacca t shirt from Univ. of Southern California.  She likes Star Wars in particular Chewbacca. We're always happy to promote USC. 
Natalie with her "Frozen" baseball cap with a sparkly bill.  She'd outgrown her last cap so Mom was happy to get this along with Natalie. 
I don't have other photos to show but did make some progress on various quilting projects. Here's last week's goal list.  Not 100% but not bad either. 

Week of August 3, 2015
Load and quilt handprint quilt√ 3 blocks shy of finished.
Lunch for the tea group at my house
Finish last 2014 row, start sewing rows together Not sewn together but I think all the rows/blocks are done
Have fun with the Grands this weekend (and their parents.) √√√
Do a little studio spiff up work: clear cutting table!√ Ugh a lot more needs to be done.  

And this week: 
Week of August 10, 2015
Finish quilting the handprint quilt
Load my Trip Around the World and begin quilting
Take a road trip to visit more quilt shops to pick up Row x Row
Continue working on Talking Turkey and 2014 Row x Row
Work on secret hand project.... can I say 8 months late as of now? 

I'm linking up with Monday Making, Main Crush Monday and Design Wall Monday.  Note: Monday Making isn't up yet so I'll check back later and update this.  Done! Hum, as I linked up to Monday Making, I realized I didn't actually put my signature in like I usually do.  What was I thinking?  Most likely I wasn't thinking at all! 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I am with you! I want to do better recording info regarding my quilts... I have been giving them all names and such too :)
    your aprons are darling and so are the kiddos and dog! ;)

  2. I have an album with pictures of needlepoint projects. Remember those adhesive-page albums? The cardboard-y backings get very yellowed after 30 years. Later I used a 3-ring computer manual binder to document quilt projects. (Back then not only were the binders sturdy, but they also came in slipcases -- now it's "go online to download the userguide.") I used cardstock for the pages and scrapbook mounting tabs to affix the pictures.....My foray into online photos was with Webshots. I lost all of those when Webshots closed down. (I'm sure they sent me warning notices, but I changed email addresses.) Now I rely on my blog and heaven knows where in the Cloud to store pictures. One of these days I really must organize, purge, and come up with a uniform storage place (that I can find online!). . . . The girls's aprons turned out so well!

  3. Sweet girls and wonderful aprons! I take pictures of my quilts and they are saved on my computer, but journaling is too much like work. :-)

  4. I'm not good at documenting my finishes either. My son suggested making a photo album, which would be a great idea, especially if I added pattern and fabric info, and other details. One day we will find time...or not! LOL Thanks for linking up to MCM!

  5. Wait a did little Sophia get that big!!! Adorable aprons, what little sweeties. Hey your blog is your record of your quilt. They have services that will print you blog for you too.

  6. Wow, the girls have become young ladies overnight!

    I post photos of my quilts & other projects on my blog - the only record I currently keep.

  7. The aprons look so cute on the girls. Looks like you scored a double on those.

    My sister gave me a book to document my quilts in when I first started quilting. I have a photo of each quilt and a brief set of notes about each quilt in that book. It's up to date for all but the last quilt I made. I also use publisher to track my completed quilts and my UFOs. So that's my electronic copy. I have a tab on my blog where I have a thumbprint sized photos of all quilts and a brief description. I've been collected all the photos I have of my projects into one file. One of these days, I'm going to make a coffee table book on Shutterfly.

  8. The girls look DARLING in their new aprons!!!


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