
Sunday, August 2, 2015

July Stashbusting Report

There comes a time when wants overpowers needs.  Heck, I blame MOST of this on the Row by Row  Experience.  Ya just can't run in, grab the free pattern and skedaddle.  Well, I can't.  I like to check out the shop, see what strikes my fancy and drop a little moola to help the shop out.  Evidently I dropped a bit too much moola on fabric. 

Fabric In Month
Fabric in Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year


What I totally forgot was I was ahead on the fabric usage side.  So, although I purchased more than I used the over all statistics don't look too bad.   And, I have 2 wide backs ready to quilt a couple of big quilts.  Should be really good one of these months.  I'm hoping to get one of these quilts on Ruthie, the long arm, later this month.  Time will tell. 

I've got a small quilt ready to load on Ruthie but I forgot to charge the computer's battery.  So, I'm letting it get some juice now and then I'll work on it in an hour or so. 

Here's the most recent 2014 Row by Row that I've finished.  I wanted to do 2 more.  This one is from Creative Quilting Connection in Roanoke, Va.  I bought the kit so, luckily, mine looks exactly like theirs that Pat is holding for me in this blog I wrote after we visited.  Oops, not exactly as I messed up my hills but that's ok.  

I hand appliquéd the hills and the background star.  Then I used a shiny polyester thread to buttonhole stitch the center star down.  Dorothy and I were hitting some fairly close shops last week and a gal shared several of her rows with us.  She used some shiny embroidery thread on several appliqués and I really liked how it looked.  I figure this will hold the star center down without having to worry about any quilting through it. 

That's it for today.  I'm hoping to get the last row done soon, but not until doing a bit of quilting on Ruthie first. 

I'm linking up with Patchwork Times for this week's Fabric Report.  I only keep track once a month but these intrepid gals track their usage weekly.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. You didn't do too badly, you should be able to dig out from the red pretty quickly.

  2. Your row by row looks great. Considering you had to go into those shops for the row by row, you didn't do badly at all.

  3. I've managed to avoid purchasing any Row by Row items - so far. . .


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