
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Design Wall Monday 9 - 14 - 2015 on Tuesday (Oops!)

I had a great and very busy weekend.  Sharon in particular got a lot of things done.  I got a lot of individual blocks done for the most part. 

The best news is yesterday I picked up my repaired computer and everything is much easier.  When I got home from the trip to the other side of town I started to read.  Next thing I knew it was 4:30 so didn't really go upstairs to the studio.  

Here are all the projects Sharon and I worked on this weekend. I was making blocks for her to take back to Faithful Circle Quilters for drawings. 
My red and white blocks for the quarterly drawing held yesterday, 9/15.  Boo!  I didn't win.  I probably should have done an easier block then the one on the right. 
Sharon's on left, mine on right for the September BOM drawing held the first week of October. 
The last quarterly challenge of the year is to use a specialty ruler.  I can't remember what the one on the left is but the right is Rapid Fire Hunter Star by Deb Tucker. Both of these are by Sharon.  Mine is a Dresden but I need to figure out the center circle and get it sewn down to a backing. Pictures will come later. 

Sharon ran this mystery table runner at the guild meeting on Saturday.  We thought it was really funny when we ended up with two patriotic table runners with the colors in the same positions and even having flags as our border fabrics considering we didn't talk to each other about it.  There was a good turn out and everyone got the center portion done. Some of us are a bit slower and didn't get the borders on until later.  Perfect short project for an afternoon's sewing.  

Sharon also made a small wall quilt using her Rapid Fire Hunter's Star ruler. WOW! 

We auditioned every black in my stash before we both thought this one was the very best!  We came up Sunday morning to make sure and then Sharon was able to get them on before she had to go home. 

 I didn't do so well on my goals this past week, but there is always this week!
Week of September 7, 2015
Spiff up studio – esp cutting area and extra desk
Begin embroidering secret stuff didn’t happen
Make mystery table runner at guild meeting
Make pillow shams for master bedroom nope
Border 2nd antique quilt nope

Week Of September 14, 2015
Do some embroidering
Continue making Easy Street blocks
Pillow shams
2nd antique quilt 
Blocks for Fran 

This week I am linking up with Free Motion by the River and Sew Cute Tuesday at Blossom Heart Quilts.

Happy Quilting All! 

NOTE:  So, my track pad and cursor are working but now Blogger is making it very difficult to work with my elements.  For some reason all of the bottom half of my post is now part of a caption on a picture.  Cutting and pasting is not making it any different so I give up for this post, maybe next one I can get it figured out.  Sorry folks. 


  1. Hi Bonnie
    Glad you got the computer fixed mostly. It's not easy figuring out the blog stuff... at least I am challenged with it. When I ask DH a question he backs out of the room, saving himself.

  2. Your blocks are all beautiful. I especially love your red block on the right. How funny that you made your table runners so similar to each other without knowing.

  3. The September blocks are my favorites! I love the bold color combinations.

  4. That hunter's star quilt is amazing - I love the way you guys made the grey argyle work in it! And spiffing up the studio is always an accomplishment, here's hoping it leads to greater creative energies!

  5. I hate computer problems. Hopefully the bugs will go away on their own. Love the Hunter's Star quilt. Very funny about the "duplicate" table runners. Hope you've had a bit more time to stitch this week.


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