
Monday, September 21, 2015

Design Wall Monday 9 - 21 - 2015

Short week, or so it seemed.  I know I got some things done in the studio but it sure doesn't look like it below! 

I've been making a donation quilt as my ender project over the last few weeks.  I cut all the pieces with the intention of taking it with me on retreat in a couple of weeks.  Um, no, that is not happening.  I wanted an ender project to work on right away and took this one out.  Note to self -- find and cut out fabric for another leader/ender project to take on retreat. 

This is another project from the book More Quilts for Baby: Easy as ABC.  I'm hoping to make one of every quilt in this book.  One is done and donated, this one is almost a top and I've got 19 left to make from it.  I love a good goal! 

I've been finishing up the little blocks for Fran of the FCQ Equilters group.  And, I've been making a secret block with a gazillion little pieces to send out to a secret location.  I've been doing a bit of embroidery on my trusty Bernina and then sewing on the very trusty Singer Featherweight.  I'm just a sewing fool these days.  

Here's what's happening goal-wise.  As you will see I changed my mind about some of the goals.  Others got moved along.  I must admit I hate to make pillow shams so when I found a couple of shams that looked ok (not great, just ok) I figured they would work until I have a chance to put new ones together.  Hey, I'm not talking really fancy shams, just using the left over backing material.  I was hoping to quilt some designs in the center but I'm happy to postpone that for a bit. 

Week Of September 14, 2015
Do some embroidering
Continue making Easy Street blocks
Pillow shams Postponing found some that will work for the time being
2nd antique quilt Nope, will start up much later
Blocks for Fran√ 

Week of September 21, 2015
Name and label quilt being donated to church auction
Pack up & mail blocks to Fran
Finish embroidering various projects
Finish teddy bear top
Sew down the Dresden plate and the center circles

Make Christmas table runner to donate to FCQ fall auction

I'll leave you with this photo of our hummingbird.  I've enjoyed seeing this hummer at my feeder all summer.  I'm keeping a close watch on the feeder as I haven't seen one in the last day or two so I think he might have gone south.  On the other hand I wasn't really spending much time looking at the feeder but it is getting close for the hummers to leave our area. 

That's it from me for now.  I'm linking up with Monday MakingsDesign Wall Monday and Main Crush Monday.

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Love your quilt, miss seeing the hummer. I'll check back later.
    You keep so busy all the time. I need to have a l/e for retreat too. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Looks like your hummer flew right off of the blog post. . .

    I have every intention of having a l/e project and end up working on it full time. Sigh

  3. I start with L&E and then get impatient and churn out a bunch.
    Good luck with making every quilt in the book! The red/white blocks are snappy.

  4. You picked a fun goal making one of each baby quilt in the book. Your current baby quilt is very graphic, that will be a lot of fun for a little one to look at.

    I love L and E, I've finished a few quilts that way. It works really well when it's really tedious piecing.

  5. I love the way the quilt looks. I am tempted to try and make my own and use colour to make the stars stand out. I would require quite a bit of planning.

    I've been using my l and e to make omigosh. It is quite funny to tell people that I am working on omigosh and then show them a block. They invariably say, oh my gosh and then laugh!

    Love to see your work.


  6. What a great baby quilt! I love making baby quilts too!


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