
Monday, October 12, 2015

Design Wall Monday 10 - 12 - 2015

Several days at the beach is always relaxing but I sure didn't get much done in the studio this past week.  It's not looking good for this week either as we are having the church choir over for dinner/social time on Sunday.  Luckily, we purchased smoked barbecue from a great cook at the church auction a few weekends ago.  Should be delicious!

Saturday was quilt guild day so I spent a bit of time preparing for it in the days before the meeting.  Our program was learning to do Sashiko stitching.  One of our members has learned how to do it and has several stencils that look really nice in that technique.  We needed to bring a 12" square of fabric and a batting to go under.  I learned really quickly that a poly batt isn't the best for this project.  I'd already done more than I wanted to rip out so it stays a poly batt. 

I also learned that whatever size of pearl cotton I used is a bit too big.  I don't have the paper that it was wrapped in so I don't know the size.  Next time, if there is a next time, I'll use a smaller size thread. I've worked on this for the last two evenings for a bit.  I'm guessing it will be done in two more evenings, unless something takes precedent, like the counted cross stitch ornaments which are from 2014!  Luckily the grands are still young enough to not be upset by late presents. 

Here's what I worked on yesterday afternoon.  Too, too cute. The youngest granddaughter will get a bucket of snowballs for a Christmas present.  The older two already had snowballs, but not ones I made.  They are fun to play with.
 My trusty Featherweight was used to sew the seams together. Here it is stuffed with the seam in the back sewn up.  If you have an embroidery machine and would like to make some snowballs too check out Embroidery Garden.  This link takes you directly to the new faces.  And, yes, these really are easy.  The face below was under 3" square.  Today I'm trying to make some pumpkins to help with the decorations for the weekend party.  I'll let you know how they turn out! 
That's it for now.  I've got a busy week with not as much sewing in it as I would like.  But next week, I hope to get back to piecing and quilting.  Here's the goals report from last week and what I'll be doing this week. 
Week of October 5, 2015
Counted cross stitch√ nearly finished with another ornament
Knit on sweater √ made a little progress
Read a novel or two
Find curtains for the sliding glass window Not needed
Make 2 pillowcases

Week of October 12, 2015
Put retreat “stuff” away (really, I haven't done it yet!) 
Embroider stuff, start girl’s shirts?
Order new dp needles for mittens
Finish at least 2 more Easy Street Blocks
Clean house and studio, we’re having folks over for a party
Counted cross stitch - ornaments

I'm linking up with Monday Makings, Main Crush Mondays and Design Wall Monday. There's always something going on at these three web sites.  Lots of links to blogs across the globe.  Folks sharing their interests.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Cute snowballs!
    What novel(s) did you read last week?

  2. The snowball(s) is perfect - I love the embroidered face. Another great gift for snow country dwellers is a snowman kit for embellishing a real snowman.

  3. Fun snowballs! The Sashiko stitching looks great.

  4. Those snowballs are darling and look so fun to make. Enjoy your party this week! :) Thanks for linking up to Main Crush Monday; have a great week.

  5. Your snowballs are adorable! What fun for your granddaughter!!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.