
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Design Wall Monday, er, Tuesday 11-3-2015

Here's what I finally put up on my design wall last night.  I am tickled that I am closing in on a finish. 
It's too big for my ridiculously big design wall.  I have all of the main blocks done. (Ok, I'm correcting 3 units within 2 blocks as I had them in wrong. Thankful I caught it before the whole quilt is together!) All four corners are done.  I've started on the setting triangles.   I hope to continue working on it but it might not happen because I've got quilting customers wanting their quilts and Christmas gifts to make. But I'll be trying to work on it in between other things. 

I've also been playing with these sweet 9 patches.  They are part of a collection of fabrics and blocks and tops some friends asked me to work on. Two different relatives collections have been given to me -- one a grandmother (or maybe great grandmother) of my friend and one an aunt or great aunt.  I've already finished one quilt for them that they loved.  ARGH! I don't even have a picture of the finished quilt. What was I thinking?  Check out the quilt here as it came off Ruthie, the long arm.  These 9 patches are going to look terrific in the little quilt I will be making them.  They are 3" when finished. Enlarge the photo and take a look at the fabrics.  If you have any idea of the time period of any of them I'd love to know your thoughts.  

We were at the beach for a long weekend and my trusty featherweight and I got a lot done on Easy Street and made some little 9 patches although they may not go into the group shown above.  I did get some things done on my goals this past week. 
Week of October 26, 2015
Quilt one charity quilt
Finish current cross stitch project progress made but still not done…
Work on Easy Street Blocks
Start working on Christmas presents nope, didn’t happen
Add final border to Zig Zag quilt cut but not applied

Week of November 2, 2015
Quilt samples of various different quilt designs
Quilt one charity quilt
Cross Stitch – FINISH it NOW!
Easy Street – make setting triangles
Add border to Zig Zag quilt

That's it on the quilting stuff.  I want to end with a cute picture of the birthday girl from last month. 
By this time Ellie was exhausted.  After cake and honestly, she only ate a few bites, she was taken upstairs to bed where she fell asleep immediately.   She held it together pretty well considering how sleepy she was.  I had a good time even though I spent 4+ hours on the road that day.  Enjoyed seeing Sophie and Natalie too. (Oh yea and all the adults at the party!) 

I'm connecting up with To-Do Tuesday, Monday Makings and Linky Tuesday with Freemotion by the River. Stop by any of these linky parties to see what others are doing this week. 

Happy quilting all! 


  1. Have you decided how you're going to set the 9-patches? The Block Swappers have quarterly exchanges of 3.5" 9 patches so I have amassed a lot of them (used a lot, too). Your kids, both generations, look great!

  2. The quilt on your design wall is gorgeous... I love those colors! Your 9-patch blocks are so colorful and pretty. I have no idea of the time period though. What a sweet birthday girl! Thanks for linking up and I hope you have a great and productive week!

  3. Bonnie, love the quilt on your design wall. Reminds me of beach glass.

  4. The blocks on the design wall looks fabulous! I love those colors together.

    I'm guessing that some of the fabric in the nine-patch blocks are from the late 50s or early 60s.

  5. The quilt on your design wall is stunning! I'm also loving those 9-patches.

  6. Bonnie, Your cover photo with the quilt and budding tree is gorgeous! And the new quilt on the design wall is also!

  7. Yay On the BH Quilt!!! The 9 patches - I love them. But the little one - oh my - she is adorable!!

  8. Easy Street is looking great. Are you doing Bonnie's mystery quilt this year?

  9. Hope you'll have enough time to finish this wonderful quilt! I like it very much.


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