
Monday, December 14, 2015

Design Wall Monday 12 - 14 - 2015

Yep, another full week passed without me posting anything to the blog.  Someday, I hope to do at least 2 posts a week.  Evidently, it isn't happening during December! 

This is my design wall after taking down my Easy Street.  The rows were all sewn together and I have a plan for the borders but no action on that plan.   Wow, nearly naked design wall! 

Let's get up close to the one project currently on the wall. This is the antique 9 patch blocks with the some of the snowballs that I've made from the extra fabric. I was going to make it square but realized I had enough blocks for another row.  The next one I'm going to use the solid fabrics for the snowballs which will calm it down a little.  Hopefully the blocks will actually fit together because a good quarter inch seam with accurate cutting wasn't in this quilter's skill set.  

I will be working on Christmas presents most of this week but I still hope to get more done on this quilt and the bigger quilt. Ha!  Who am I kidding.  I doubt I get anything done on either of these projects.  But maybe....

Yesterday afternoon we went to Williamsburg because Pat's barbershop chorus was singing at a church.  We went down with Amanda and Hardman.  Amanda and I spent an hour strolling through the downtown area into the historic section.  Really, I was going to look at the wreaths Amanda had seen on an early trip that celebrated the original Star Wars movie.  What do you think? 


Han Solo
Luke Skywalker
And my personal favorite. . . 

Princess Leia

And, the door had a wreath detailing the various Star War movies. 
Door wreath detailed the time period/release of the movies.  I didn't read the written information.  I haven't paid a whole lot of attention to the movies since the first 3.  Hum, maybe it's time for a movie viewing weekend
And just so you know what a "normal" Williamsburg decoration looks like -- here's a beautiful window decoration.  Pat and I went to Williamsburg during Christmas one year.  Since living within easy distance we've never thought of going down just to see the decorations.  Must remember this for next year.    

The chorus did a wonderful job with Christmas songs.  Before we left the area we had a great dinner.  Our dogs weren't happy to be home by themselves so much but they got outside and were fed right on time by our wonderful neighbor.

It's time to get going this morning.  We're doing a little but of Christmas shopping and then I'm heading to the studio to do some embroidering.  

I've been plugging away on all my goals which are mostly getting the Christmas presents done. I had a great time fabric shopping with my friends.  I went wild buying fat quarters -- why not they were a dollar each. 4 yards were used as gifts to give the quilt guild board members who serve with me. 

December 6, 2015
Quilt charity quilt
Finish another mitten pair
Sew rows together of Easy Street
Fabric Shopping with the girls
Work on quilts for Stacey
Get packages ready to mail
Keep counting those cross stitch items! 

And for this week . . .    
December 14, 2015
Mail packages
Embroider and make hats for grands
Finish ornaments
Wrap presents
Work on Stacey’s antique quilts
Prep and send Christmas cards
Embroider secret items…

I'm connecting up with Monday Makings,  Main Crush Monday and Design Wall Monday. Take a look at what is going on all over the Internet.

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. The snowball blocks look great with the nine patches.

    I've only seen the original Star Wars movies: it's hard to top them, in my opinion.

  2. Oh my!!!! I grew up in Williamsburg, but have returned only once, years ago, since I graduated from high school, in 1980!!!!! How very nice to see some of those door of my favorite memories of the town :)
    I love what you have going on your design wall too :)

  3. Ny friend-since-fifth-grade Mary Miley Theobald wrote "Williamsburg Christmas," which may have inspired some of your decor. I'm sure you're relaxing somewhat after Easy Street . . . the 9p + snowballs are very appealing.

  4. Nine patches are always a winner and yours with the snowball blocks will be great. Happy Christmas gift making.

  5. Not a star wars fan, but that Princess Leia wreath is pretty darn cute! :) It's a busy time of year Bonnie; you'll get to a blogging schedule you're happy with soon. Sounds like you are enjoying family and friends and that is just sooo important. Thanks for linking to MCM!

  6. I love your antique 9 patch. You're almost empty design wall will be a great start for 2016 projects too!

  7. The mini antique 9 patch looks great. Sounds like you've got lots going on, but are making good progress.

  8. Great 9 patches! I love finding antique quilt blocks, and rarely are any square. Don't you love that making them was good enough? It's trying to get things fit together at times, but well worth the effort. Simplicity is often the most beautiful.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.