
Saturday, December 5, 2015

November Stashbusting Report

Have you noticed I'm really late getting this report posted.  I've had my nose to the grindstone this week.  I've planned more home made Christmas gifts this year than normal and I'm trying to stay on top of it rather than panicking the night before.  Or waiting nearly a year to give ornaments to the grands like I did this year. 

I just finished a slew of embroideries that assorted people will be getting.  (Not saying who or where these might end up but I'm looking forward to sharing these on the blog after the big day.)  Unfortunately, when I embroider I'm not using quilting cotton.  I tried hard to finish a few items this month but the best I did was 2 donation quilts.  I can't say I tried hard not to buy.  I went wild... or at least wild for me. 

Here's the results, much better than if I didn't finish anything that's for sure.  The good news, which I'll show next month, is I haven't acquired anywhere near the fabric I did last year.  Right now I'm over 40 yards less than last year.  That will change as I am going shopping this week for a border and a backing for Easy Street.  

Fabric In Month
Fabric in Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year


While my trusty Bernina was doing the hard work for the embroideries, I was sewing away on the faithful Featherweight.  I now have Easy Street in diagonal rows ready to be sewn into a top. It is so big it "falls" off the edge of the design wall!   I hope I can get this finished by Thursday as I'm going shopping for border/s and backing that day.  Or at least I think I am. 

And I am trying to get the snowballs made for the antique 9 patches.  I had a whole box of precut squares and hexagons so I went through them and figured out which squares were already used in the 9 patches and I've started sewing the snowball blocks.  Unfortunately, many of the squares are not 1 1/2".  They are much less.  They go back into the box if they are too small.  I also have found some fabric pieces that match the 9 patches so I can cut squares the right size.  Some of the fabric is probably dacron or other non-cotton -- the flip and sew triangles just don't stay flipped no matter how I iron them.  Right now I have a batch sitting under a ruler with a book on top.  

I stood on top of a little stool to take this shot straight down.  Where I've found squares or fabric that match they've been stacked on the 9 patches. At the bottom right I have a stack of 9 patches, fabric and squares.  It probably won't take me long to go through all the squares before I need to start cutting.  I have more fabric to go through but I think I'll do that after I use what I have available.  Hum, I'm wondering if I can get at least one of these done before Christmas.  They are going to be fairly small. 

I'm linking up with Show Off Saturday and Whoomp There It Is at A Quilted Passion. Not too many people put up linky parties on Saturday.  

That's it for me today.  I'm going to do a little Christmas shopping and then go to The Virginian's Christmas show.  Pat's been singing barbershop music for years and this is his group's show.  I only attend so many events a year but this has been a winner! 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Wow, that's quite an assortment of 9-patches. Looks like fabric from the late 50s or early 60s to me.

    Congratulations on having Easy Street nearly finished. It's beautiful.

  2. Your easy Street quilt is beautiful! Congrats on a huge finish! Love those antique 9 patches. I enjoy working with these old pieces, the stories they could tell!

  3. Congrats on nearing the end of your Easy Street, it looks fabulous! I'm jealous of that barbershop concert, I love that sound, too. Enjoy!


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