
Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday Meanderings 1-18-2016

After asking for ideas for this zigzag quilt here, I decided to see what fabric I had that might work.  I really don't want to buy new fabric for it.  Here are some of my attempts.




Most of these looked blah.  (You should have seen the splotchy blue I tried. Double Yuck!)  I'm leaning toward the red at the bottom.  Except, that is earmarked for pillow shams for my current bed quilt.  Never fear.  I have a bit brighter red that I think I will use once I actually proceed with this project.  It is a wide back so it will be a pain to cut into strips but I should also have enough to use as the backing too!  I'll keep you posted. 

Here's the goal info for last week and this week. 
January 11, 2015
Mail hats & FCQ Equilter’s block
Finish quilting rwb table runner postponed for later
Make 2 fleece hats (embroidered too)
Plan small quilt top for OMG for January
Start quilting first customer quilt didn’t happen

January 18, 2015
Finish January OMG quilt top
Make backing for Bricks quilt(from challenge fabrics)
Cut out & start sewing second challenge quilt
Finish sewing one or more little antique 9 patch quilts
Make more Sea Hawks blocks for FCQEQuilter

I'm linking up with Monday Making and Main Crush Monday. Check out all the Monday goodness!

Today I leave you with a black dog in the white snow.  (yep, we had snow all day yesterday although it was really light.) 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I'm struggled all weekend to find a border fabric for a QOV. I finally decided to add a frame and then the border, I think it will work.

  2. Of all you have there, I like the 3rd fabric best, the green one. The reason is, when I look at your whole quilt, I mainly see rich, dark colors, and the black sets that off very well. The turquoise it too bright. The tan with stars doesn't have the rich color of the quilt, and the maroon is too close in color to the black. Now if you want even more work, separating the maroon and black with the tan would work, but then might be too wide or too busy. Actually, I like it with just the black.

  3. Two is that I might be tempted to piece the border with either squares or half square triangles with colors like the quilt interior. Or since you have so many bright neutrals how does a bright neutral look for a border? In either case bind with black.

  4. I think the brighter red would work, with a black binding. Looking forward to seeing how your finish this one off.

  5. Sometimes its a real pain to find the right fabric. Usually I try several different pieces and when I least expect it along comes the perfect piece... We've had a dusting of snow, but temps are frigid. My doggies used to love the cold and snow - hopefully there is some of both in doggy heaven! :) Thanks for linking to MCM - have a great week!

  6. Of your choices, I like the first (sort of turquoise) the best. What may be holding you back is that the inner border is so very dark.

  7. YOu're almost done! Just choose a border color YOU like and it'll work. ;)

  8. Your dog is beautiful. Reminds me very much of my BFF Millie who crossed the Rainbow Bridge 21 November. BTW - I like the green border. V/R, Pamela


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