
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Sewing Space In Use

In my last post I shared my daughter Jenny's new sewing space.  She got a little bit more done in the last  day or two.  Since I ended up staying another day with her I decided I would start working on some blocks I brought with me.  First pictures of sewing machine in the middle of sewing and then the cutting table in use.  (I "loaned" her my old Bernina when I got a new one several years ago.  She loves it and I did too when I used it today -- did I really need a new one?) 

Sorry, the cutting table photo is a little dark.  What this doesn't show is that the table is not tall enough for me.  I've got at least 5" on Jen so what fits her is uncomfortable for me and vice versa when she's trying to cut at my table!  But all I needed to do was cut some strips to the right size.  I got several ready to sew. 

Here are the blocks I am making to use up the rest of the challenge fabric I got from Faithful Circle Quilters.  (All quilts will be going to Project Linus.)  I'm mixing a lot of my own fabric into this one.  It's going to be for a boy.  Maybe an older boy depending if I have enough fabric to make it big enough. 

Hum, I'll need to pay close attention to the layout of these blocks once I have more finished. I like the block but it is a bit fussy with all those 2 1/2" squares to sew together.  Hopefully once I'm home I can get some more of them made up.  

I also made up the star block below.  When one of my friends was cleaning out her mother-in-law's fabrics, she ran across several unmade blocks from 2011 BOM from JoAnn stores.  She wasn't sure what to do with them nor did she really want to make them up herself.  I took one home to make for her.  I suggested we offer blocks to other guild members to make and then we can make a quilt to donate to a good cause.  

The block is huge -- 15 1/2" unfinished.  It won't take many to make a decent size quilt.  This was fun to make especially since it was already cut out.  The directions were well done and included ironing instructions.  We'll see if we can get any one else to make up some of the other blocks.  

That's it for me today.  I'm going to link up with Needle and Thread Thursday.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. It must be lovely to sew with your daughter, alas mine has no interest, preferring other crafts. Your header pic is so lovely, the perfect setting for your quilt, I love it.


  2. She has the exact same sewing table in her new space that I have in MY new studio! Great minds must think alike….plus IKEA is affordable!

  3. Both block sets are beautiful. I hope you can find a willing guild member, or two, to make the BOM blocks.

    I need to assemble a kit from my scraps for the first set of blocks and make a QOV. So many projects in the works, that sometimes, I get overwhelmed.

  4. Bonnie, those blocks are sweet, but I wondered if you could do any strip-piecing for the 4-patches? You got a lot done there!

  5. Looks like she's got a great space to stitch in. Your blocks are looking good. Hope you get in more stitching this week.


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