
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Charity Quilts Quilted

I quilt charity quilts for members of Country Piecemaker guild.  Here are two that I recently finished for Linda. 

This edge to edge design is called Ariana.  Very simple and fast but fills the space nicely.  I used a light tan So Fine for front and back. 

This design is a go-to design for me -- Mermaid Fingers.  Again, it's simple and fast to do.  I believe I quilted this with a light grey So Fine.  You can click on any of these pictures for a closer view. 

Do you ever go back and look at your early blog posts?  I did the other night because I was trying to figure out when I finished a particular quilt.  Boy was my style different.  I'm wondering when I got so wordy?  Early on my posts were not so dense with words.  I'm sure part of the reason it is wordy is I have a degree in Public Relations but I started out in straight journalism.  It's really easy for me to write... and write.  To prevent that from happening -- this is it from me today. 

I'm linking up with Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? and Let's Make Baby Quilts.  Enjoy checking what others are working on. 

Happy Quilting All. 


  1. Two fabulous finishes - well done.

    Yes, I've gone back to read some of my early posts. I started blogging with no expectations that anyone would actually read what I wrote. Now, nine years later, I'm amazed people actually leave comments and that I've become cyber friends with so many people.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing the pretty quilts. Your quilting is nice and smooth and even, good work!

  3. Beautiful finishes! I really like the bowtie quilt, very colorful and that tan border really accents that.

  4. Oh yes, Bonnie. I do go back and read older blogposts. And sometimes I even get inspired...ha ha ha. Your charity quilts are lovely. I think it is time I made a few of those. I am falling behind on charity quilts.
    Hugs to you,


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