
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Heart Quilt√

It has been a very busy week up until Friday afternoon when I flaked out napping and reading! 

First, I got Jenny's quilt for Pulse quilted -- in one day.  I tend to take a couple of days for most quilts bigger than baby size.  But I was focused so I finished it up Tuesday night.  A lot of Jenny's quilting buddies sent her hearts to incorporate into the quilt.  Some hearts were on the front, others on the back.  I chose a very loose pattern called Mermaid Fingers to quilt.  This is my go to pattern for a fast, easy to do design.  I probably should have tightened it up a bit but it definitely did not distract from the great hearts. (Hum, I'm pretty sure the two I made her did not make it in the quilt. Sigh.  They probably were both grayed fabrics instead of bright.) 
You can see the quilting a bit in this closeup taken before I took it off the frame. 

We picked up the Grands on Wednesday evening.  Rush hour around the DC/Northern Virginia area is never fun.  We met for dinner and then took the girls home with us.  I won't go into details but the first 12 hours were not fun but after that we had a great time.  Our pool time Thursday was great fun except I forgot to put sun screen on me even though I did both girls.  Sigh.  I still have a slight burn.  Hopefully I won't have peeling skin later! 

I've filled the shelves with fabrics, UFOS, scraps.Next up -- Books! 

The Grands enjoying cookies at the pool.

I'm linking up with Can I have a Whoop, Whoop? That's it for me today.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Nice looking quilting on the Pulse quilt and very speedy, too!

  2. Bonnie, that is soooo cute. Love the colors.

  3. This quilt projects joy and happiness, and the recipient is going to love it.

    Enjoy your time with the Grands.

  4. This quilt is precious - it made me smile to think of each good friend's love incorporated into each block! Plus, those bright colors - who can't smile when they see them?

  5. This quilt is precious - it made me smile to think of each good friend's love incorporated into each block! Plus, those bright colors - who can't smile when they see them?

  6. There's a lot of love in that quilt. Thank you for your time and effort

  7. Love the heart quilt. Congratulations on a speedy finish!

  8. The heart quilt turned out beautifully! Hope this weekend is as nice as last weekend.


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