
Monday, August 15, 2016

Monday Meandering 8 - 15 - 2016

Here's what's next to the design wall today.  These are the "secret" project I'm working on.  The grey (tan?) and blue is a note pad I put over the design so I don't give it away.  It's still secret.  I need to make 3 more and I'll probably make more than that.  These blocks are fun to make.

I'm still working on the red, white and blue quilt.  Many of the rows are sewn in diagonals.  I'm going to have to move all the rows up to get the bottom done. UGH.  I'm looking forward to getting this to top stage so I can move on to something else.  It doesn't need to be done until April or May so I can move it to the back burner once the piecing is done. (The sad part, to my way of thinking, is I have another set of blocks that need to be pieced on the diagonal that is waiting in the wings.  I'll probably do something else before I start that one.) 

I did pretty well on the goals again this week.  (Although, honestly, I didn't put much on the list last week!) 
August 8, 2016
Continue on the RWB project
Make 4 more blocks for secret project “B”√ one's done, one's cut out
Finish “Believe” block from Christmas Favorite
Work on the “Online Friends” piece

Here's this week's goal. 
August 15, 2016
Continue on the RWB project
Work on the “Online Friends” piece
Work on another block from Christmas Favorites
Clean out “stuff” stored where new shelving is going
Finish the last 3 blocks for secret project “B”

I'll be linking up with Monday Making and Main Crush Monday. Take some time to look around and enjoy what folks are working on this week. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. I'm not sure why, but putting diagonal rows together always seems like kind of a drag. I always feel that I'm starting in the wrong place or something. Your quilt is very striking--getting a project off the design wall is such a good feeling!

  2. I'm not a fan of piecing diagonal rows. I ultimately make mistakes in the arrangement of the blocks.

    Your quilt looks fabulous.

  3. Nice looking RWB project! There is one red in the middle that bugs me because it has white flowers and none other do, but it is beautiful!

  4. Hi Bonnie, Wow, you are so organized. I admire people who can have a "need to get done" list and actually do it! By the way, the picture on your blog with the quilt that matches the tree is GORGEOUS!!

  5. You've made great process on the red, white and blue quilt. Looking forward to seeing you secret project.


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