
Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday Meandering 9 - 26 - 2016

Wow, busy week last week but I did get some sewing done.   It wasn't on my goals for the past week but I did finish this small sashiko piece.  Eventually I'll make it into a pillow.  Too busy with other things to do it now.
I'm almost done with the snowman too.  Hopefully I'll get the stitching done and will be able to do the piecing that goes with it this week. *Only if I can find where I stashed the ziplock bag of fabric I picked for it! 

Retreat starts Thursday -- that means I'm working like crazy to figure out what I plan to take with me.  I'm hoping to get several things prepped to work on and a lot of single blocks for various people/collections.  Hopefully I will NOT take too much with me like I usually do. Time will tell.  

I didn't do too badly on the weekly goals -- but on the other hand I didn't put too many items on the list since I knew I wouldn't be home all that much. 
Sept 19, 2016
Have fun with Ellie and meet baby Theo!√ What a cutie! 
Work on the secret quilt – hopefully finish it!√ no time, will try two weeks from now
Do some more hand embroidery on snowman
Get several Christmas Favorites blocks prepped√
Prep a few projects for the Fall Retreat next week oops, need to get on this one…

Sept 26, 2016
Prep a few projects for the Fall Retreat next week (again)
Finish Snowman hand embroidery
Work on more Christmas Favorites blocks
Border Snowman embroidery
Have a great time at retreat

I'm linking up with Monday Making and Main Crush Monday. (Yikes, it's week 40... wow has this year flown by!) Take some time for yourself and use these links to start an inspiring journey through bogland. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I would like to try Shashiko, I gotta finish up some of my hand work projects before I buy anything else!!

  2. Very elegantly done on the Shashiko. Have fun prepping for your retreat.

  3. I've wanted to try sashiko, but just haven't done it. Your piece looks great.

    Have fun at the retreat.


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