
Monday, October 24, 2016

Monday Meandering 10 - 24 - 2016

Are the weeks going by faster for you?  It sure seems that it does for me.  We spent an overnight at Jenny's taking care of the girls when she was working in NYC while Brian was out of town.  We made dinner and got them to bed.  It was really easy especially since it didn't take much longer than an hour and 20 minutes to get up there.   

I brought up the girls' Halloween shirts.  Sophie decided to wear hers to school -- a day the temperature was above 80! I snapped her picture waiting at the bus stop:

I'm pretty sure the shirt is a bit too big! But Sophie liked Frankenstein.  The design is available at Embroidery Boutique.  They have lots of cute designs.  I'm looking at several for Christmas shirts for the girls.

Below is a close up of the design on Natalie's shirt.  It is from Designs by JuJu and is part of the Halloween Harvest Sock Monkeys design.  I tend to choose appliqué designs for the shirts so that they don't have too many stitches in the shirts. 

The next shirt is Ellie's.  The design is by Embroidery Boutique and is called Windy Witch.  Evidently she asked to put it on as soon as she got home from visiting us last weekend.  

I'm also excited that Ruthie is back up and running.  I quilted one quilt using the computer to drive the long arm after we first set it up here.  I actually wasn't really planning on using it for Theo's quilt but I wanted to look at one design to see if it would look ok.  Except the tablet couldn't find the long arm. Wait!  It's right there -- what do you mean you can't find it??? After several days and several packages of chips and cables we decided to dump the old program and reinstall it.  Except the USB port wouldn't read the original thumb drive with the program.  More wait time and finally the new drive arrived and all is well.  I need to find a small quilt to really test it out but I haven't taken the time to do so... let's just say the embroidery machine was running hot this last week or so! 

I did really well on my goals this last week.  

Oct 17, 2016
Finish the last embroidery on the corners of the flower quilt, put quilt together√ ready to sew the last two borders on
Embroider the last two Halloween shirts 
Finish the last Christmas Favorites block√ need to check through all the blocks and see if anything is missing
Visit with Jenny and the girls
Oct 24 2016
Enjoy playing with Theo on Tuesday 
Sew the flower quilt together
Check all the Christmas Favorites blocks and add what is needed; sew them together
Knit on the second red sock
Get back to the Stack ‘N Whack top

I'm linking up to my favorite Monday blogs: Love Laugh Quilt's Monday Makings and A Place to Create and Share's Main Crush Monday. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie  


  1. Love the Halloween shirts!

    It's nice that you live close enough to help out with the Grands.

  2. The shirts are adorable and the young Frankenstein is a cutie! Great going on your list. Hope you are just as productive this week!

  3. Fabulous Halloween shirts!! What lucky kids :)


  4. It IS nice to live by our grandbabies, isn't it! So blessed! Love your Halloween shirts! Too cute! Thank you for sharing!

  5. Those shirts are really cute! Hope you get Ruthie up and running soon.


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